Extraction Ticket

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Extraction Tickets are a basic resource in Limbus Company used to Extract Identities and E.G.O.


Extraction Tickets are used on the Extraction feature, and mostly act as an alternative to Lunacy.

Extraction Tickets and Decaextraction Tickets can be used on the Standard Extraction, Target Extraction, and New Identity / E.G.O Target Extraction banners and are functionally identical to using Lunacy to do the same pulls. When using the Extraction feature, it will prioritize using Extraction Tickets over Lunacy when possible.

3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Tickets will create their own limited banner, 3★ Identity Assured Extraction, to be pulled on that will vanish after the ticket has been used. These banners are guaranteed to give one 3★ Identity, although there is a chance to pull multiple. Notably, these banners do not include E.G.O in their probability pools. Seasonal 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Tickets will do the same thing, with the exception of their guaranteed 3★ Identity being Seasonal.

Obtaining Extraction Tickets

Extractions Tickets are rare items to obtain, with only a few being provided each season. Decaextraction and Guaranteed Decaextraction Tickets are given in even more limited quantities. In addition to the in game methods listed below, Extraction Tickets can be purchased from various packs featured in the shop.

  • Each Refraction Railway gives out a number of Extraction Tickets, including one Seasonal 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket, as rewards.
  • The Limbus Pass, both Basic and Premium versions, has Extraction Tickets available at certain levels.
    • Each Season Pass will give one Seasonal 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket at a high level on the Premium track.
  • Certain Attendance Check Events give out Extraction Tickets as a reward.

Item Description

Can be used to perform 1 extraction.

A consumable item weaved from Lunacy, the source of Mephistopheles’ extractive energy.
It looks like a thin sheet of paper at a glance, but something seems to be pulsating inside.

Can be used to perform 10 extractions.

A consumable item weaved from Lunacy, the source of Mephistopheles’ extractive energy.
It looks like a thin sheet of paper at a glance, but something seems to be pulsating inside.

Can be used to perform 10 extractions where one 3★ Identity is guaranteed to appear.

A special ticket with a mark on it.
It can extract an Identity from a world of unlikely possibilities with certainty. The paper is fiercely beating and pulsing.

[Season 1] 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket=

Can be used to perform 10 extractions where one 3★ Identity from [Season 1] is guaranteed to appear.

A special ticket with a mark on it.
It can extract an Identity from a world of unlikely possibilities with certainty. The paper is fiercely beating and pulsing.

[Seaon 2] 3★ Guarantee Decaextraction Ticket=

Can be used to perform 10 extractions where one 3★ Identity from [Season 2] is guaranteed to appear.

A special ticket with a mark on it.
It can extract an Identity from a world of unlikely possibilities with certainty. The paper is fiercely beating and pulsing.