Blade Lineage Salsu Don Quixote/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Blade Lineage Salsu Don Quixote Full.png
Outis Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Stop, STOP!
The one seated opposite the child shouted indignantly. The child stopped just as she was about to chug the liquor straight from the bottle.
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
H-huh? Wherefore hast thou shouted so...?
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Blade Lineage Salsu
We are no mere peasants, Don Quixote. We do *not* drink straight from a bottle.
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
The other child, furious and frustrated, sighed deeply and shut her eyes with exasperation.
They were members of the Blade Lineage on the run... but as soon as they clear their names, as soon as they can return to S Corp... they will be taking jobs as personal guards of the high-ranking officials.
And that meant that they would have to know high society etiquette by heart in case they had to join them for a meal. The other child's head began to fill with all kinds of terrible faux pas shenanigans that this child would put herself into.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
One must drink from a cup, not the bottle. That is the proper drinking etiquette.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Once the cup is empty, and only when it is empty do you refill it for another drink.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
... Yet... wherefore?
The child looks back with a genuinely puzzled expression.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
'Tis more work for the same amount of alcohol, is it not? To drink from such a petite bowl...
Outis Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
... It is to prevent one from getting completely intoxicated while maintaining compo—
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
Guugh! Cough, cough!
Whatever the other child said, it didn't register in this one.
The child began chugging straight from the bottle...
Perhaps it was the unexpected flavor, perhaps it was the piercing aroma. Or maybe it was just that strong of a liquor.
... She immediately expelled the entirety of the bottle's contents like a fountain spray.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
It need not be said that the lecturing child was completely showered in whatever burst forth from the child's mouth.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
I-I...! 'Twas not mine intention to—
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
The flavor was... simply too different from what I'd...
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
... 'Tis made of rice, is it not? I had thought with quite the confidence that its flavor would be no different from that of sikhye or gamju...
Outis Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
What did I say? What did I just say?
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
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Blade Lineage Salsu
I just told you to drink from the cup, little by little.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
If you had listened, this would not have happened.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
I-I mean...
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Speak properly! Though we may be of the same rank, at this precise moment I am your instructor and superior! You will do well to address me as one!
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
Y-yes ma'am!
Outis Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
First! You are wielding your chopsticks in a manner most improper!
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
Uh, this was merely to free my other hand for the bottle—
Outis Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Behold! This! Is how you properly wield a chopstick! Your sloppy technique is a disgrace...
... The other child's lecture continued without end.
At this point, it was starting to sound like she was just unloading all of her frustrations on the child for the sake of unloading them, but...
... it *was* the child's fault, no? Actions do have consequences.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
... And I will leave it at that.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Have you completed your reconnaissance? I have been waiting many days to hear your reports.
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
Ahm. I have discovered in my journeys about five different respectable locations in the Backstreets.
Outis Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Hm, that is good news indeed. Yet I must also inquire you about Kurokumo Clan's—
Blade Lineage Salsu Don Quixote Full Uptied.png
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
Ahem! Worry not thy heart! I have spied on the Kurokumo Clan curs as they dined!
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
... 'Tis in two days.
The liquor in the other child's cup rippled as her hand twitched ever-so-slightly.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Indeed... A match catches fire when struck.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Yet we must survive. Persist. And one day... we will find ourselves an opportunity. That is what our mentor has told us.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
You have done well, Don Quixote. Venturing so deep into enemy territory...
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
Heheh, a handful of them did notice my trail...
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Don Quixote
... But they have all been taken care of.
The child held up her blade and spoke casually. It was spoken with the same casual cadence as though she had just swatted a few specks of dust from her cloak.
Though they may not have started out as members of a Syndicate wandering the Backstreets, the reason the members of Blade Lineage have no hesitation in cutting people down...
... is that they have all each been slayers for a long time. Blade Lineage or not.
Yet, there is a difference.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
That the blade they used to wield in service of others... is now for no one else but their own.

World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage Icon.png World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage Identity Stories
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Ryōshū Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Hong Lu Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Rodion Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Yi Sang Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Outis Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Sinclair Profile.png Blade Lineage Mentor Meursault Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Faust Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Captain Gregor Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Don Quixote Profile.png