Blade Lineage Salsu Outis/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Blade Lineage Salsu Outis Full.png
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Blade Lineage Salsu
The most important part is to strike at the waist. Your steps must be as fast as lightning…
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Blade Lineage Salsu
That is what you once told me.
The child’s hushed monologue—or conversation—is directed at her blade.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
How ironic that you met your demise at your pupil’s sword, laid down by the skill you taught her.
Although there was a master who had bestowed the art of swordsmanship, that individual may or may not be part of the Blade Lineage.
An unruly group of sword bearers brandishing their weapons as they please, too disorderly to simply be called “free”.
If one had to find a word that tied them together, it would be “survival”.
They chose the blade as a way of life…
And, whoever impedes their survival is greeted with severing violence. It’s a trait that most members of the Blade Lineage share.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
Should I have followed that path, perhaps?
She decided that she wouldn’t hold much regret for the day she slew her own master. After all, cutting out the obstacle that blocked her from her flow was the right thing to do.
That was the greater stream she floated down.
Thus, she made up her mind to hold no regrets for going along with the flow this time, too.
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Blade Lineage Salsu
…If there is an obstacle, I will strike it down.
The child’s eyes shone with determination.

World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage Icon.png World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage Identity Stories
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Ryōshū Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Hong Lu Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Rodion Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Yi Sang Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Outis Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Sinclair Profile.png Blade Lineage Mentor Meursault Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Faust Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Captain Gregor Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Don Quixote Profile.png