Blade Lineage Salsu Don Quixote/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition The way of... Wine? Drinking etiquette? Forsooth, I am quite unacquainted with that subject. Kaugh, 't-tis quite bitter!
Morning Greeting Good morrow to thee! Though the weather may be quite dreary, hm~ This crisp smell of daybreak is quite pleasant, is it not?
'Tis the perfect time for a reconnaissance, indeed!
Afternoon Greeting Ah, oft do I forgo a midday meal in favor of honing my skills with a blade.
Forget that, for I must now narrate the events of my reconnaissance!
Evening Greeting Mm... I have heard tale of a culture that oft sups alongside an alcoholic beverage, indeed. Yet it ill-fits my temperament... I merely wish to gorge myself on slabs of meaty yukjeon(meat fritter)!
Chatter #1 I wish only to twirl and let my blade sing with abandon! Seldom did I expect me to be forced to learn 'the way of wine'...
... P-prithee, do not let Lady Outis hear of my complaints!
Chatter #2 Sip from a bottle, sip from a cup... what difference does it make? It ends up in my gullet all the same. I am befuddled at why any would focus on a subject so irrelevant from the blade.
Fie, I care not for such trifles. Thou must hear of the mischief the Kurokumo Clan is up to.
Chatter #3 Tis my belief that to cut something along the arc of my blade is much more satisfying than indulging in a succulent meal!
The sensation of that slight resistance as the blade cuts through the mass... 'tis quite exhilarating, wouldst thou not agree?
Post-Uptie Chat 1 I sensed that we may find ourselves a few unwelcome guests! I deduced it from the untimely stirring, indeed.
'Tis only right that no traveler graces the roads at this time. So I have righted all the wrongs.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 To slice through the air as I train myself in the way of blades, and to hew the deserving ones as I walk the path... there is very little difference.
If I were to make a distinction... mm, I must say, the only difference is the weight in my hands.
Idle 'Tis a moonlight most fair... Hath the battle left nicks in my blade...? Whew, not even a speck of dust remains on its edge.
Uptying Ah, 'twas naught but the noise outside. Wouldst thou mind if I should go on a little stroll to investigate?
Deployment Hm? Ah, give me but a moment—I must first swallow this...
Stage Entry I shall scurry there posthaste!
Viewed in Battle I am quite busy at the moment!
Commencing Attack How thrilling!
Enemy Stagger Hm? Aha, I must not have struck true...
Staggered Uagh!
Enemy Killed Ah, truly! 'Twas a flesh-splitting sensation!
Death Aah, haah... Forsooth, well did I expect to be... hewn... myself.
Check Passed Heigh-ho! I have done it~!
Check Failed Uh-ahm~ I-I suppose I have made a mistake..
Victory Cry 'Twas naught but a quick jaunt indeed. Now I return with a lighter heart to... where Lady Outis awaits. Drat...
Extra Conditions Fulfilled I have swung my blade with abandon! Ah, how refreshing, how exhilarating! Now, I may have enough patience to sit through such interminable lectures!
Defeat Wail A flaw in my techniques... I must have grown complacent. I shall persevere...