Twinhook Pirates First Mate Gregor/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Twinhook Pirates First Mate Gregor Full.png
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Oh, man...
Air sighed out of the sofa as the child rested on its cushion. He lifted his legs and placed his leather boot-wearing-feet on the desk.
As soon as he sat down, everyone around him began busily going through the contents of their pockets...
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Hm? Ooh, that one looks good. I'll try that cig today.
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Nervous Pirate
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Gotta light, anyone~?
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Perceptive Pirate
Here it is, sir!
One of the nearest sailors quickly ran up to the child with a lighter.
The child motioned with his chin as though he'd grown accustomed to this royal treatment and let his underling light his cigarette. He breathed in a lungful of smoke.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Hoo... This ain't so bad. Which port didya snag this from?
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Nervous Pirate
We found it from one of our 'guests'. If you wish, sir, we could...
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Nah, don't worry about it. Don't want them to get a heart attack and bite it or anything. This cig'll get old soon anyway.
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Nervous Pirate
Understood, sir.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Well, anyways...
The child flicked the ashes on one of the pirates' hands, who'd been standing there with open palms like a human ashtray. He took a sweeping look at his crew, drawing another heavy hit from the cigarette.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Right, time for a morning assembly. How are our side jobs doing? Let's hear some reports. Starting from you. Yeah, you there. To my left.
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Nervous Pirate
Yes sir! We of the Mermaid Perfume department have captured ourselves a new species of Mermaids, and...
As soon as the child gives his order, the crew begins listing the state of their respective departments.
Sales figures from various products such as Mermaid perfume, ice cream, et cetra... Different numbers and statistics went in one ear and out the other.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
... Hm, well. Okay.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
So it's all shit, then. Am I wrong?
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
What's wrong? Cat got your tongues? C'mon, I'm not trying to blame anyone here~
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
None of them's our main moneymaker anyway... So let's get to our actual business.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
... How are our 'guests' doing?
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Handy Pirate
We currently have a total of 6 guests in our lodgings, including the one we snagged recently.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
And how many customers do we have, looking to get our 'guests' back?
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Handy Pirate
We currently have two in active negotiation, sir. They say that one of them's pretty loaded, and came from one of the Nests...
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Whoo. Nice~
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Handy Pirate
Oh, and, and one thing of note for one of our guests, sir.
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Handy Pirate
We managed to snag somebody sent from... some company. Apparently, a Team Leader of sorts. Maybe we can really milk this one dry, sir.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Oho, a Team Leader, eh? Now that's a catch.
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Handy Pirate
Seemed a bit... green for a Team Leader, but I don't believe that to be of much concern, first mate. Sir.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Aw. Yeah, you did good work~
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Sorry about all the trouble, guys~ Having to listen to a lowly first mate in the Captain's absence... Sucks, don't it?
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Not at all, sir!
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Naw, I understand~ Sigh. Hook, that bastard... Used to be a lot more reliable when we sailed the high seas... But as soon as we're docked, poof! Gone, off to drown in that fairy wine or whatever.
The child grumbles in a half-joking, half-serious manner, but none of the crew laughed nor moved. They stood stiff and still like new recruits.
They were awfully rigid for pirates, but...
They had a good reason to be.
Twinhook Pirates First Mate Gregor Full Uptied.png
And that... was why this man of such casual, seemingly laid-back disposition was the first mate of the pirates.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Look here, now!
Other Story Icon.png
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Oh~ Don't freak out, now. Thrash about a little too much, and I just might slip and take your whole noggin clean off. If something so unfortunate were to happen... well, don't blame me, 'kay?
Other Story Icon.png
... Gulp.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Now, lookee here~ My future guest~
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
This here is called a pistol. With a little POW!... you can get a new hole to breathe out of. Why don't you say hello to my little friend?
You know, taxes make it one expensive friend to keep.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Ooh, don't you nod your little head too hard. I messed with the trigger mechanism... and now it's really a hair-trigger.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
So I'd like you to answer with a blink~ Not that you've got much to say.
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
From now on, you'll be our 'guest'. You've got rich friends, rich family, hmm?
Other Story Icon.png
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Yeah, just like that. Just blink. Chill with us here until your friends get here with the ransom, 'kay? Play nice, and I won't kill ya. Ain't that nice?
Gregor Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates First Mate
Not gonna blink? Eyes too dry? Want some eye drops? Still got some fight in ya, is that it?
Other Story Icon.png
N-no! Not at...
Other Story Icon.png
Twinhook Pirates
Nervous Pirate
... Gulp.
With him doing this to every new guest in front of the whole crew, how could they not be afraid?
Maybe this 'Captain Hook' knew this child's talents. Maybe that's why the child was left to take charge in the Captain's absence.
Captain Hook didn't seem to mind how annoyed the child was, though. Probably didn't even care to find out.

World of U Corp. Icon.png World of U Corp. Identity Stories
Twinhook Pirates First Mate Gregor Profile.png The Middle Little Sister Don Quixote Profile.png The Middle Little Brother Meursault Profile.png The Pequod Harpooneer Heathcliff Profile.png The Pequod First Mate Yi Sang Profile.png The Pequod Captain Ishmael Profile.png