The Pequod Captain Ishmael/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Welcome aboard, greenhorn! You are able-bodied and ready for the voyage, I trust?
Morning Greeting Do not dilly-dally! If I see one slacker among you, I'll tie them to the mast myself! It's a morning, not a mourning; look alive, men!
Afternoon Greeting How do you like the taste of that Mermaid fin jerky? You better enjoy it. It'll be our main source of sustenance for a good while. Heh.
Evening Greeting The hour may be late, but do not let your guard down. The Waves can come crashing in at any moment—day or night. Keep your eyes wide open, am I clear?
Chatter #1 We do not fear the unfathomable horrors of the sea! Stand tall! Give them a toothy grin and a wild guffaw! That is what it means to be a crew of the Pequod!
Chatter #2 None shall enter the Captain's quarters! If you have something to share—share it with the navigator. I grow tired of listening to fools whining, cowering at the Waves of the Great Lake.
Chatter #3 Whales are… magnificent yet mysterious monsters. Consider it a great honor that you are allowed to hunt them beside me…
Hah, I daresay that my fervor for Whaling is unmatched!
Post-Uptie Chat 1 Harpooneers! Fasten your harpoons! Helmsmen, right hard rudder! OARSMEN!! Pull yourselves together and ROW!!!
Post-Uptie Chat 2 All hands, heed my command! … Our finest hour is upon us! Tonight, we hunt the Whale!
Tonight, we hunt the All-Withering Crimson Whale!
Idle Haah… These are good winds. I enjoy this particular calm before the storm.
Uptying Thunder and lightning… Yes, the battle of our lifetimes will soon be upon us! We will hunt the Whale of all evils! Hahahahahaha!
Deployment Set course toward the Whale.
Stage Entry Light the gases and fire up the engines!
Viewed in Battle Focus on the Whale if you have the time to flap your gums!
Commencing Attack All hands! CHARGE!
Enemy Stagger Our foes cower! This is our opportunity to turn the tide!
Staggered Hngh…! Hold your stations! The foe has its eyes on me—use this opportunity to strike them!
Enemy Killed Good! Do not stop until we have slaughtered every last one of them! We shall seek no respite until it is done!
Death I-I am Captain Ishmael! I will not fall… here…!
Check Passed Of course. Has my compass ever led you astray?
Check Failed Dammit… The fault lies with you, Manager!
Victory Cry Hail not at this mediocre outcome! Set your sights beyond this puerile victory; our Whale is greater, more evil than this!
Extra Conditions Fulfilled Not bad, not bad at all… But we are still yet to reach the Whale! Fire the gas turbines again, men! And—
Defeat Wail You useless wretches! You dare fall to your knees here? I do not recall ordering any of you to be defeated!