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To be used in the AbEvent template.

Represents a single choice option in Abnormality events.


Parameter Usage Notes
id This is used to make the collapsibles work properly. Each id used must be unique. Recommended to just use incremental numbers
nestlevel If the choice only appears after selecting another choice, indicates how many choices deep it is. Don't use this for base choices
prev If a nested choice, set this to the id value of the previous choice.
choice What the choice option reads
desc Used for cases where the choice has a description (Eg - Gain an E.G.O Gift)
story The resulting text from picking the choice
result Result from picking the choice Recommended to use the StatCon template with this
If the only result is more choices, leave this blank


|choice=Write [Goodbye].
|story=The terminal’s light goes red, and warnings start to blare.<br><br>The robot shakes intensely as if in pain.<br><br><Farewell. Farewell, FarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewell><br><br>A single word filled the whole screen moments before the robot exploded into bits of metal and gore before your eyes.
|result=Identities without {{StatCon|sinenvy}} <span style="color:#fe4b48">take</span> {{StatCon|hplose|15}} damage and {{StatCon|splose|15}} damage!
Write [Goodbye].
The terminal’s light goes red, and warnings start to blare.

The robot shakes intensely as if in pain.

<Farewell. Farewell, FarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewell>

A single word filled the whole screen moments before the robot exploded into bits of metal and gore before your eyes.

Identities without Envy Affinity Attack Skill take 15 HP damage and 15 SP damage!
|choice=Write [Hello].
|desc=Select to gain a Burn E.G.O Gift
|story=The robot lifts both arms with some struggle.<br><br>The terminal prints out its words:<br><br><Welcome, Dear Guest. Have you enjoyed the town tour?<br>We’d like you to have a souvenir. :-)><br><br>A smile is displayed on the terminal,<br>but in the robot’s gestures, you feel a plea for help.
|result=E.G.O Gift '''{{StatCon|giftenvy|Pinpoint Logic Circuit}}''' earned!
|choice=Ask for an explanation of the “town”.
|story=<Failed to parse question.><br><br>The robot tilted its head.<br><br>While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other direction,<br>it displays a question on the screen.<br><br><Did you not take a tour of the town, Dear Guest?><br><br>It seems to want an answer.
Write [Hello].
Select to gain a Burn E.G.O Gift
The robot lifts both arms with some struggle.

The terminal prints out its words:

<Welcome, Dear Guest. Have you enjoyed the town tour?
We’d like you to have a souvenir. :-)>

A smile is displayed on the terminal,
but in the robot’s gestures, you feel a plea for help.

E.G.O Gift Pinpoint Logic Circuit earned!
Ask for an explanation of the “town”.
<Failed to parse question.>

The robot tilted its head.

While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other direction,
it displays a question on the screen.

<Did you not take a tour of the town, Dear Guest?>

It seems to want an answer.