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Used for Abnormality events (during dungeons or battles).

Currently a Work in Progress.

Known issue: If a choice leads to a second choice which in turn leads to a third choice: Closing the first choice does not hide the third choice.


Parameter Usage Notes
eventname Name for the event
  • MD event: Mirror Dungeon Event
  • Combat event: The text that appears the turn before the event happens
  • Story Dungeon event: Name of the event in the files
image If the event has art, name it here Only use the name, not the 'File:' or extension
story The text that appears before the choices/skill check is presented
choice1 Either use the Choice or SkillCheck template here.
Currently goes up till choice10
Nested choices count as separate choices.
Order is very important. If a choice results in more choices, those choices must be listed immediately after it. Even before any alternate choice.


|eventname=Mirror Dungeon Event
|image=MD KQE-1J-23
|story=This dark place might be a factory.<br><br>A sharp mechanical noise zips through the air.<br>Illuminating eyes are fixed on you.<br><br>A robot slowly approaches.<br><br>It appears to be incomplete, as suggested by the bare wires protruding with each movement.<br><br>Is that leakage antifreeze, or blood?<br><br>While you were wondering, the terminal on its chest flashed to life.<br><br>Looks like you can write something.
<!--Choice 1-->
|choice=Write [Hello].
|story=The robot lifts both arms with some struggle.<br><br>The terminal prints out its words:<br><br><Welcome, Dear Guest. Have you enjoyed the town tour?<br>We’d like you to have a souvenir. :-)><br><br>A smile is displayed on the terminal,<br>but in the robot’s gestures, you feel a plea for help.
|result=E.G.O Gift '''{{StatCon|giftenvy|Pinpoint Logic Circuit}}''' earned!
<!--Choice 2-->
|choice=Ask for an explanation of the “town”.
|story=<Failed to parse question.><br><br>The robot tilted its head.<br><br>While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other direction,<br>it displays a question on the screen.<br><br><Did you not take a tour of the town, Dear Guest?><br><br>It seems to want an answer.
<!--Choice 6-->
|choice=Take the souvenir and leave.
|result=Nothing happened.
<!--Choice 7-->
|choice=Write [Goodbye].
|story=The terminal’s light goes red, and warnings start to blare.<br><br>The robot shakes intensely as if in pain.<br><br><Farewell. Farewell, FarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewell><br><br>A single word filled the whole screen moments before the robot exploded into bits of metal and gore before your eyes.
|result=Identities without {{StatCon|sinenvy}} <span style="color:#fe4b48">take</span> {{StatCon|hplose|15}} damage and {{StatCon|splose|15}} damage!

Mirror Dungeon Event
MD kqe-1j-23.png

This dark place might be a factory.

A sharp mechanical noise zips through the air.
Illuminating eyes are fixed on you.

A robot slowly approaches.

It appears to be incomplete, as suggested by the bare wires protruding with each movement.

Is that leakage antifreeze, or blood?

While you were wondering, the terminal on its chest flashed to life.

Looks like you can write something.

Write [Hello].
The robot lifts both arms with some struggle.

The terminal prints out its words:

<Welcome, Dear Guest. Have you enjoyed the town tour?
We’d like you to have a souvenir. :-)>

A smile is displayed on the terminal,
but in the robot’s gestures, you feel a plea for help.

E.G.O Gift Pinpoint Logic Circuit earned!
Ask for an explanation of the “town”.
<Failed to parse question.>

The robot tilted its head.

While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other direction,
it displays a question on the screen.

<Did you not take a tour of the town, Dear Guest?>

It seems to want an answer.
Take the souvenir and leave.

Nothing happened.
Write [Goodbye].
The terminal’s light goes red, and warnings start to blare.

The robot shakes intensely as if in pain.

<Farewell. Farewell, FarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewellFarewell>

A single word filled the whole screen moments before the robot exploded into bits of metal and gore before your eyes.

Identities without Envy Affinity Attack Skill take 15 HP damage and 15 SP damage!