Lobotomy E.G.O::Lantern Don Quixote/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Have thee ever beheld a Lantern so grossly incandescent? Remain at my side, and darkness shall never consume us!
Morning Greeting Today is another day! Thus I shall toil to gather more energy. Dost thou not find thyself growing delighted at the notion of numerous happenings in this hallway today?
Afternoon Greeting 'Tis time for a midday meal. I am far from famished… alas, these little teeth fellows are chattering expectantly. Heh heh.
Evening Greeting Verily, is this not the time for the Lantern to shine?
Chatter #1 Come hither and behold, Manager Esquire! Is it not so fascinating to see such a beaut of a flower in the middle of a hallway? Lo! If I poke it so, it fidgets and twitches…
Chatter #2 FIE!!! Didst thou not hear the siren indicating that an Abnormality is on the loose? Make haste, make haste! Make way! 'Tis my chance to shine!
Chatter #3 Quite warm it is, this furry garb! Ah, take care not to pet it too much. It may nibble thy finger off. Or fingers…!
Post-Uptie Chat 1 Lady Outis (It's Captain Outis!) has, ahem, shared aught with me… That I may be quite adept at playing the role of a 'bait'! Quickly hide behind me at the first sign of danger, thou must!
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Behold this Lantern for a while. Dost thou not feel the warm heart and good fortune rumbling within thyself?
Even at a place such as this where good fortune seems so ill-available…
Idle To where hast thou gone, Manager Esquire?! Thou mustn't let the Lantern ambush and nibble thee!
Uptying I cannot contain my joy Manager Esquire!!! Prithee, bring forth more villains for me to thrash!
Deployment I! Can be quite the excellent bait, if I do say so myself!
Stage Entry Ah, my time to flash has come once again!
Viewed in Battle Is there aught else to suppress?!
Commencing Attack I shall chew thee to shreds!
Enemy Stagger Just thee wait! Thou shall be devoured whole posthaste!
Staggered … 'Twas but a moment of hesitation.
Enemy Killed Om nom.
Death So I have always… shone so brightly…
Check Passed Ah… to follow the Lantern is to walk the path of answers!
Check Failed The answer… yet remains out of sight.
Victory Cry Have I not flashed so radiantly today?!
Extra Conditions Fulfilled Thus I have gobbled them up without a trace! I hope Miss Hod finds it within herself to compliment mine achievements!
Defeat Wail Fie, I was the one to be gobbled up by these very fangs…