LCCB Assistant Manager Ryōshū/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
LCCB Assistant Manager Ryōshū Full.png
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Dear new employees! Everyone, I know that everyone's gotta be tired of hearing this, but...
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...please stay focused during these loyalty training classes! The purpose of this class is to enhance your psychological readiness for battle.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
Click. Clack.
The table vibrated ever-so-slightly as the child shook her leg impatiently. Her trousers kept making that annoying, brushing noise.
What accompanied that was the sound of restless, irritated click-clacking of her ballpoint pen.
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I understand it can be a bit tiring, a bit boring... but let's try reading it out loud.
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Open page 3 of the new hire training guide.
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... This is a reminder to all LCCB employees. We the Before Team are assigned with the paramount task of clearing the path before anyone else does. Every bloodied step, every flesh given becomes...
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LCCB Assistant Manager
The child muttered with a sigh. She was clearly miffed about this waste of time.
It wasn't loud enough for the instructor to pick up, but it sure was loud enough for her colleagues to hear.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
How much longer do I have to suffer this drivel? I went along with it once or twice... But it's really starting to get on my nerves.
Ishmael Story Icon.png
LCCB Assistant Manager
... Excuse me. Can you pipe down a little?
Another child sat beside this one. The expression of boredom was evident on her face as well, but she still went along with the lesson for some reason. It was an odd juxtaposition of dissatisfaction and compliance.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
Did I say anything wrong? Sacrifice ourselves for everyone else? Be proud of it? What a load of bull. What's so fun about suffering in others' stead?
Ishmael Story Icon.png
LCCB Assistant Manager
Sure, I can agree with some of what you said, but... It's not like we work for fun. Better to just go along with it.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
I don't agree with anything you said. I work for fun.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
... Yeah, okay. Good for you.
The other child frowned and opened her mouth as though she wanted to add something... before sighing and turning away.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
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Oh, and... while ammunition is a part of your standard issue gear, please refrain from using them unless absolutely necessary. You know how expensive they are.
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Remember: the more ammunition you save, the more extra pay you'll get.
The child scoffed, but she knew that the other child had a point.
She wouldn't be getting any 'interesting jobs' if she got fired.
Instead of continuing to sigh and complain, the child began chewing on her ballpoint pen. Hopefully, that would make this waste of time go just a little faster.
She kept waiting and waiting for a smoke break to arrive... She craved that thick, eye-watering puff of smoke.
So here she was.
Leaving a trail of voluminous, eye-watering smoke in her wake.
Smoke from the cigarette in her mouth? Sure.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
But there was also a trail of smoke coming from the shotgun in the child's hand.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
Hmph. So here we are.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
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LCCB Assistant Manager
Waiting overlong was worth it eventually.
There was no other sound than the metallic ch-chak of the firearm, the light sound of plastic shell casing hitting the floor...
...and the sound of her military boots clacking against the ground.
There was nothing else here. No new recruits, no teammates... No one.
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Twinhook Pirates
Frail Pirate
And now, no enemies.
The child gleefully took a hit from her cigarette. What an entertaining predicament. Some things were taken from her, yet... she'd also taken from them.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
Weaklings... All of them so-called superiors.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
Was that all they could manage with such a weapon? This great communicator?
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LCCB Assistant Manager
To be fair, it's running low on ammo... But it's decently useful as a blunt weapon.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
So we had to find some coordinates, huh... Bet they'll greet me with open arms if I return with the mission object and body bags of my former superiors.
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LCCB Assistant Manager
Now they'll give me more interesting jobs in the future for sure... Heh.
The child grinned. All's well that ends well. She spat out the butt of the cigarette and made her way deeper into the building.

World of LCCB Icon.png World of the LCCB Identity Stories
LCCB Assistant Manager Rodion Profile.png LCCB Assistant Manager Ishmael Profile.png LCCB Assistant Manager Ryōshū Profile.png