Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Hong Lu/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Hong Lu Full Uptied.png
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Kurokumo Clan
You little…
The child whose face was red with fury came very close to spewing forth insults.
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Kurokumo Clan
You’ve been with us for a while, yeah, brat?
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Kurokumo Wakashu
Hong Lu
It’s Hong Lu, not “brat”.
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Kurokumo Clan
…Thought I’d’ve gotten used to your rude nonsense by now, but it still gets me mad.
It’s no wonder that this child is so upset.
The Kurokumo Clan is a Finger’s subsidiary, and that Finger is none other than the Thumb.
The Thumb, who put rules and discipline above all else…
Said hierarchy extends to the ranks within its Syndicates, too.
From Kumicho to Kashira, Hosa, and Wakashu… a superior’s orders are absolute, and disobedience could be punished with severed fingers, arms, and even heads.
It makes you wonder why the Kashira decides to keep this child named Hong Lu around despite his bad manners…
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Kurokumo Clan
Though, I’ll say you sure can manage your men like no other…
Well, it seems that he at least does what he’s told.
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Kurokumo Wakashu
Hong Lu
I have my eyes on the useful ones. I just have to take them with me and deal with the job as usual, right?
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Kurokumo Clan
…Yep. And do something about how you address your superiors while you’re there.
“‘Cause I’m your boss,” the Kashira said to him with a cackle.

World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage Icon.png World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage Identity Stories
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Ryōshū Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Hong Lu Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Rodion Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Yi Sang Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Outis Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Sinclair Profile.png Blade Lineage Mentor Meursault Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Faust Profile.png Kurokumo Clan Captain Gregor Profile.png Blade Lineage Salsu Don Quixote Profile.png