K Corp. Class 3 Excision Staff Hong Lu/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Hmm... So I need to excise everyone in sight, right?
Morning Greeting It's hard to tell if it's day or night outside. Other than times when excision is needed... I always stay here.
Afternoon Greeting I see... So it's daytime right now? That brings back memories. I used to lazily drink this at this time of the day.
Evening Greeting Ah, I was aware that it's nighttime. The staff working the night shift paid a visit just now.
Chatter #1 Outside of situations where we're needed... We Class 3 Excision staff members have to make sure our bodies are suitable for the type and concentration of the HP ampule to be administered.
Chatter #2 Regeneration ampules are such a convenient invention... Like this, they can be used to keep us healthy and fix any wound~ And the concentration can be changed to induce decay in our foes.
Chatter #3 Ah... I don't like fighting against machines. The blade on my weapon only reacts to organic tissues, so it doesn't work that well on steel~
Post-Uptie Chat 1 Are you wondering how I ended up in this job? Haah~ It feels like ages ago...
I think my grandmother sent me here, telling me to work here from now on. Well, what other reason could there be?
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Here's a secret... Truth is, one of the higher-ups here is acquainted with my family!
Huhu, is that what they call nepotism, I wonder?
Idle You won't talk with me any longer? What a shame~
Uptying Is it a... deployment order? You'll be calling me more often in the future? That's wonderful~ I've been terribly bored.
Deployment I'm ready anytime.
Stage Entry Going in.
Viewed in Battle I'm busy right now~ But I'll make time to hear what you say.
Commencing Attack Excising now.
Enemy Stagger That'll be hard to recover from.
Staggered Oh dear.
Enemy Killed Melted into a puddle, have you?
Death Oh my... Have I... overdosed... on the ampule...?
Check Passed Huhu, it took no time at all.
Check Failed Mm... It's not like this is what excision staff usually does, yes?
Victory Cry Haah~ It was nice to breathe fresh air for the first time in a while.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled Huhu, that was excellent if I say so myself. Can I have a little free time before we return?
Defeat Wail Oh dear... I suppose we should've called reinforcements.