Identity Training Ticket

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Identity Training Tickets are a basic resource in Limbus Company used to level Identities. There are currently four levels of tickets that give increasing amounts of XP.


The sole use for Identity Training Tickets is to increase an Identity's EXP without the need to have the Identity participate in battle. Given the low amount of XP gained from finishing a battle, these are the main method for obtaining high Identity levels.

  • Identity Training Ticket I gives 50 Identity XP
  • Identity Training Ticket II gives 200 Identity XP
  • Identity Training Ticket III gives 1000 Identity XP
  • Identity Training Ticket IV gives 3000 Identity XP

Obtaining Tickets

The main source of gathering Identity Training Tickets is to clear the EXP Luxcavation. In addition to the in game methods listed below, Identity Training Tickets can be purchased from various packs featured in the shop.

  • Clearing an EXP Luxcavation stage will give a reward of Identity Training Tickets. Using the Skip Battle feature will give an additional 50% rewards.
    • The first stage's reward is 6 Tier I Tickets and 7 Tier II Tickets.
    • The second stage's reward is 3 Tier II Tickets and 3 Tier III Tickets.
    • The third stage's reward is 4 Tier II Tickets and 4 Tier III Tickets.
    • The fourth stage's reward is 3 Tier III Tickets and 2 Tier IV Tickets.
    • The fifth stage's reward is 4 Tier II Tickets, 4 Tier III Tickets, and 2 Tier IV Tickets.
    • The sixth stage's reward is 3 Tier II Tickets, 6 Tier III Tickets, and 2 Tier IV Tickets.
  • The Battle Pass has Identity Training Ticket rewards at certain levels on both the Free and Limbus Pass versions.
  • Event Rewards Shops have Identity Training Tickets that can be obtained through either collecting or exchanging event currency.
  • Certain Attendance Check Events give out Identity Training Tickets.

Item Description

Gives 50 Identity XP.

A ticket bearing possibilities of the past, present, and future.
"I found that a thought of something I'd never experienced planted itself firmly in my head."

Gives 200 Identity XP.

A ticket bearing possibilities of the past, present, and future.
"Hmhm~ I've never been to the southern quarter before, so why does it feel so familiar...?"

Gives 1000 Identity XP.

A ticket bearing possibilities of the past, present, and future.
"...If I could have had such a convenient thing in the past, those nightmarish plights would've become so simple to overcome."

Gives 3000 Identity XP.

A Ticket shimmering with possibilities we experienced, are experiencing, and will experience.
"This is a feeling not unlike getting memories we did not experience forced into us. This is not the most pleasant feeling, but it is certainly efficient."