Cinq Assoc. South Section 5 Director Don Quixote/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Aha! Art thou my partner in duel?!
Morning Greeting Good morrow! Hmhm, another bright day indeed. Let's see, mayhaps I shall go on a merry stroll?
Afternoon Greeting Hm... Midday certainly brings out the crowd. Aha! See yonder! A brawl, perhaps?!
Evening Greeting Hast thou supped yet? I have found thee a nice restaurant nearabouts! Their dinner menu features a rather delicious soufflé. Wilt thou accompany me?
Chatter #1 I mustn't dally! The city abounds with conflict, and many seek those that would take up arms in their place!
Chatter #2 Strolling through the streets and taking mine own mind off things is an important part of my profession!
Chatter #3 To throw down my gauntlet is a dignified and honorable declaration of mine intent to duel! 'Tis an indispensable part of a duel's etiquette.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 Prithee, I cannot help but be perplexed… Wherefore do those struck by my gauntlet turn red with fury?
What causeth them to fume, I wonder…? Perhaps their hearts are simply not fit for an honorable duel.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 The station of a Director is no different from that of mine associates! In truth, I do not call them my subordinates, even.
I have but a meager merit in experience, no more. Besides, perchance we may have a newcomer who surpasses my skill in combat!
Idle (Hums)
Uptying Aha! To be recognized is to be bestowed with honor! I thank thee!
Deployment Aha, a dueling request!
Stage Entry Perchance a narrow alleyway shall be to my benefit...
Viewed in Battle 'Tis ill-advised to speak to me whilst I fight a duel.
Commencing Attack Allez!
Enemy Stagger Dost thou surrender?
Staggered Tsk...
Enemy Killed 'Twas a duel most amusing!
Death Aah... 'Twas... a shameful display...
Check Passed Poetry in motion!
Check Failed Ahh, this was... I beg forgiveness.
Victory Cry A fervorous duel! You lot were no slouches, yet... Hm, I eagerly await your next challenge.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled Wonderful! You were surpassed by my skill, though only by a little.
Defeat Wail Ugh... How disgraceful...!