Cinq Assoc. South Section 5 Director Don Quixote/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Cinq Assoc. South Section 5 Director Don Quixote Full.png
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Ah! Please, come thee hither!
The child strode through the alley, excitement clear in her eyes. Following closely behind her was a woman with a small notepad in her hands.
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W-wait... But the purpose of this interview was to learn about the kind of jobs that the Cinq Association would take?
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Thou art learning, at this very moment!
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No, we're just taking a stroll through the alleys...
The woman, fidgeting with the notepad, was growing increasingly and visibly disappointed.
When she landed this interview, she was excited at the prospect of learning more of the Cinq Association's work environment, which has remained rather obscure until now...
And here she was, tagging along to this director's leisurely afternoon stroll about the alleyways.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Tsk tsk, thou art yet to understand!
Yet the child's nonchalance was unrelenting, as she grinned and wagged her index finger at the woman.
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
I ask thee! What dost thou think the primary function of the Cinq Association is?
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Well... it's a dueling association, isn't it?
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You fight duels in your clients' stead... and stuff like that, right?
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Ha ha! Forsooth, thou art indeed yet to understand!
Other Story Icon.png
...You're not about to tell me that you seek out evildoers to duel them in the name of justice, are you?
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It's not like you guys are pretending to be 'bringers of justice' or anything like that. There were reports claiming that you had some odd delusions of grandeur, but that'd be preposterous.
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I mean, you couldn't possibly have gotten so far in this industry with such a childish philosophy, right?
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Ahem! Khm...
She coughed as though the interviewer had touched upon a sensitive subject, but responded confidently.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Patently not... of course. I must say, mine motivation was something of a more... practical nature.
As they walked out of the alleyway...
Two people, surrounded by a large crowd and appearing ready to throw down, came into view.
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What is this...? Was there a request?
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Nay! I have relayed what request there was to other members of the Association.
Other Story Icon.png
Then what is...
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Dost thou see now? 'Tis too commonplace an occurrence, kerfuffles such as this, in these alleys.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
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Fight Spectator
I-it's the Cinq Association!
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Bullied Citizen
O-oh boy, am I glad to have one of you here! Lemme request you to duel in my stead!
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Agitated Citizen
Wha- Oh, you cheeky little... M-me, too!
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Now now, calm thyselves! Now explain-what hath transpired here?
Hearing what the two had to say, the child took off one of her gloves...
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Ahem. Then mine client has been decided!
And hurled it at the one standing opposite of her.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
There are rules and etiquette to proposing a proper duel!
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
I cannot forgive thee, knave, thou who holler with nary a care for such things!
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Agitated Citizen
Agh... You son of a...
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Alas, I must wonder what part of this noble duel request irks thee so.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Now step aside, dear interviewer!
Cinq Assoc. South Section 5 Director Don Quixote Full Uptied.png
The child drew her sword from the waist and readied herself.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
The duel ended swiftly, with the defeat of the one that had been slapped by the glove.
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Amazing... Such haste!
Don Quixote Story Icon.png
Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
This was naught to be amazed about. Ah, Make thy payment for the request to this address.
The child handed a card to the profusely bowing client before returning to the interviewer.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
Heroes fighting in the name of justice... Indeed, such a notion may appear childish in the City.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
If performed in the form of "business" such as this, however, they consider it a real result worth counting.
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Cinq Section 5 Director
Don Quixote
And that is my compromise. What say you, is it still a childish delusion?
With that, she smiled radiantly.

World of the Cinq Association Southern Branch Icon.png World of the Cinq Association Southern Branch Identity Stories
Cinq Assoc. South Section 5 Director Don Quixote Profile.png Cinq Assoc. South Section 4 Director Sinclair Profile.png Cinq Assoc. South Section 4 Outis Profile.png