A Midspring Night's Dream/Event Story

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Speaker Dialogue
We thirst for the seven sins.
We bear the #&#(!@&$.
Location: #*% of #&*()!#%
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This doesn’t look like the right wire. Hey, anybody—
An unfamiliar voice seemed to ring in the air.
Where am I? Who am I…?
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As these thoughts began to occur, a light buzzed into my sight.
Location: ???
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…ake up.
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Teacher. Wake up.
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Looking around, I found myself in a strange place.
It was dotted with dozens of desks and chairs…
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<A school?>
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You seem rather confused, Dear Teacher.
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<Me? A teacher?>
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Indeed you are. Seeing how you’re acting, you must have forgotten all about the explanation that was given just now.
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<Uh… Y—Yeah, I guess. Hey, wait a sec… You can hear me?>
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I am V.E.R.G.I.L.I.U.S. I have been waiting a long time for your arrival.
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I am pleased to finally meet you.
His refusal to answer my questions saps me of any hope for an actual conversation.
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<What’s… Why are you acting like this…>
All I can do is feel the sublime terror crawling up my spine, unable to resist…
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Anyway… I was in the middle of explaining your biological authentication.
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I cannot be bothered to repeat myself… Let’s just move on.
It could just be me… but for someone who’s referring to me as a teacher, it sure feels like he’s looking down on me.
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Okay… Dear Teacher.
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Now, place your fingertip against mine right here.
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Location: #*% of #&*()!#%
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…mael! You can’t simply smack a device back into function. Go scuttle off to a corner with your ignorance.
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Tch, then—
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Before I could fully process the unpleasant feeling creeping over me, my view was painted with a different color.
Location: ???
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Doctor, Doctor!
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The doctor spoke! Here, hold my hand tight…
…Your grip could almost break my hands…
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I’ve come here to rescue you…
No, wait, that’s not who I am… Wasn’t I a manager?
But, as if compelled by an unknown force, I could only click my clock’s hands in certain manners.
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<…Who… am I…?>
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Doctor, you…
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You’re a member of Limbus Island, just like us.
Huh…? I could’ve sworn I worked for a company, not an island…
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Location: #*% of #&*()!#%
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…ss Faust! How does this clock head even work?!
Yet again… Strange voices and unpleasant sights.
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Just what…
Location: ???
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Amazing… that was amazing! You really won!
What is it this time… They’re not even human now…
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So this is Mephistopheles… showing us the way a true “Ace” runs…
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<What are you going on about… this time…>
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Ah! Looks like the chief trainer has arrived!
He’s not even listening to me anymore.
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<Seriously, what is this place?! The center of some Nest? What’s up with your horse mask…>
As I attempted to complain to him with my tocking…
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Location: #*% of #&*()!#%
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Memory module… …Did that work? The… Why is…
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<M—My head…>
Location: ???
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All kinds of unknowable protagonistic labels swirl in my head.
At… At this rate…
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You’re back.
Location: Aboard Mephistopheles
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I was getting worried about you, Executive Manager.
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You suddenly… fainted on the bus out of nowhere.
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No… Not more of this…!
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<Eek! EEEEK!!>
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What is the meaning of this, Manager? Why are you running?
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<Keep you and your weird titles away from me!!!>
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…You sure sound like a broken clock.
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We tinkered with a number of things trying to fix you up…
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Hah, and as it turns out, all we had to do was wind that clock. Some time we wasted
Vergilius… He doesn’t recognize my words now.
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<Am I… really back?>
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…I have no clue what that ticking is supposed to mean. I can suppose you did calm down a little.
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If Ms. Faust is to be believed… you might have visited a number of mirror worlds in your dream…
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Well, that’s not relevant now, is it?
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The Sinners have left the bus already.
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So stop flubbing around there…
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And get out already.
I wonder… What were all those bizarre illusions I saw, and why did Vergilius address me with all kinds of odd titles?
As much as I was curious…
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This didn’t look like a good time to talk; he was wiping some grease off his hands, clearly irritated.
All he’d hear are my usual ticking noises anyhow…
Right now… I just want to bask in the relief that the Vergilius I know is here after all.
Yep… I’d much rather have this glacial gaze of his over any other.