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Headless Ichthys BG.png I love sinclair and his freak oomfs (read demian)

I'm more lobcorp/limbus focused, so I might need some ruina details corrected. Thanks!


Things I want to do

  • Finish sandbox WIP
  • Lobcorp page and new template for game pages
  • Adjust Golden Bough page (rephrase the "resonated with" stuff and make everything consistent, get rid of Kromer)
  • Introduce assets to the EGO and Identity pages to make them look prettier
  • Rodya nickname compilation
  • Revamp Heathcliff's page (new personality and background section)
  • Fill in The Library page
  • Fill in Every Catherine's page
  • Tweak Sang Yi story and personality sections
  • Make the introduction blurbs on the Sinner pages consistent
  • Make page for the Mirror (include subsection on the Window)
  • Fill in the Distortions page
  • Fill in the White Nights and Dark Days page
  • Sprite pages