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Creates a small icon next to the status effect name. If type of status is defined, it will format it like in game. If tooltip is provided, it will display on hover (but only if typed is defined).

NOTE: At the moment, this template does not like if it you include a space OR semicolon following its useage.


{{StatusEffect|nameofstatushere|(optional)type|(required with type)tooltipdescription}}

Supported Types:

  • (blank) = no caption
  • n = basic normal caption (White)
  • b = buff (Yellow)
  • d = debuff (Red)
  • r = resource (Brown)


When used in skills

Spend 1{{StatusEffect|Ammo|r|Spent by certain skills. Some attacks cancel if lacking Ammo.}}<br>{{SkillCon|On Hit}} Inflict 8{{StatusEffect|Tremor|d}}/Inflict +2 {{StatusEffect|Tremor|d|When attacked by skills that burst Tremor, raise the Stagger threshold by the effect’s Potency. At the end of the turn, reduce the Count by 1.}}Count

Spend 1Ammo.pngAmmoAmmo.png Ammo
Spent by certain skills. Some attacks cancel if lacking Ammo.

[On Hit] Inflict 8Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).
; Inflict +2 Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png Tremor
When hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s).

When used in regular content

Just the icon {{StatusEffect|Bleed}}.
This skill uses {{StatusEffect|Sinking|n}}

Just the icon Bleed.pngBleed.png Bleed
The next Y time(s) this unit tosses an attack skill Coin, take X fixed damage.
This skill uses Sinking.pngSinkingSinking.png Sinking
The next Y time(s) the unit is hit, take X fixed SP damage. (Units with no Sanity take Gloom damage.)

Two effects with the same name

Inflict 1 {{StatusEffect|Gaze|d}} on enemies with {{StatusEffect|Gaze (Spiral of Contempt)|d}}
Inflict 1 Gaze.pngGazeGaze.png Gaze
Take +20% damage from Pierce and Blunt skills this turn.
The ally that defeats the marked unit heals 10 SP; if the ally is an 'N Corp. Fanatic', also apply 1 Fanatic next turn.
on enemies with Gaze (Spiral of Contempt).pngGazeGaze (Spiral of Contempt).png Gaze
Deal +10% more damage for every Gaze value
Turn End: at 7 Gaze, gain 15 Bleed and replace this effect with Contempt.