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Displays a small icon that is formatted.

You can use it two ways:

  1. {{Icons|Icon=|Size=}}
    (typing out fields is optional)
  2. {{Icons|anypngimage}}
    defaults any image to 25px icon

If using "Icon", this allows you to input some quick names/shortcuts and still output the right file. See Converted Examples for a full list of supported options.

If using "Size", options include

  1. small or s = 14px
  2. medium or m = 20px
  3. big or b = 22px
  4. big+ or b+= 26px

Otherwise the default size is 25px.

Converted Examples

Name(s) Icon
Sinner Icon
yisang Yi Sang Icon.png
faust Faust Icon.png
donquixote Don Quixote Icon.png
ryoshu Ryoshu Icon.png
meursault Meursault Icon.png
honglu Hong Lu Icon.png
heathcliff Heathcliff Icon.png
ishmael Ishmael Icon.png
rodion Rodion Icon.png
sinclair Emil Sinclair Icon.png
outis Outis Icon.png
gregor Gregor Icon.png
Mirror Worlds
KurokumoWorld World of the Kurokumo Clan and Blade Lineage Icon.png
LiuWorld World of the Liu Association Southern Branch Icon.png
ZweiWorld World of the Zwei Association Southern Branch Icon.png
ShiWorld World of the Shi Association Southern Branch Icon.png
SevenWorld World of the Seven Association Southern Branch Icon.png
NCorpWorld World of N Corp. Icon.png
WCorpWorld World of W Corp. Icon.png
OldLCorpWorld World of L Corp. Icon.png
OldGCorpWorld World of the Former G Corp. Icon.png
LCCBWorld World of LCCB Icon.png
JCorpWorld World of the J Corp. Backstreets Icon.png
lcorp Lcorp.png
ncorp Ncorp.png
kcorp Kcorp.png
rcorp Rcorp.png
tcorp TCorp.png
wcorp Wcorp.png
kurokumo KurokumoClanIcon.png
shi ShiAssociationIcon.png
liu LiuAssociationIcon.png
zwei ZweiAssociationIcon.png
wrath LcbSinWrath.png
lust LcbSinLust.png
sloth LcbSinSloth.png
gluttony LcbSinGluttony.png
gloom LcbSinGloom.png
pride LcbSinPride.png
envy LcbSinEnvy.png
questionmark Redquestionmark.png
sitelogo Site-logo.png