Shi Assoc. South Section 5 Ishmael/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
Shi Assoc. South Section 5 Ishmael Full.png
Ishmael Story Icon.png
Shi Section 5
I ought to say something…
The child mumbled to herself, biting her lip.
Frustration had taken hold of her heart for a long while.
The director she worked under was pushing unrealistic goals, and to top things off, her coworker had a temper that couldn’t be any less suited for her Association’s line of work.
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Shi Section 5
In the middle of dressing an opened wound, the child groaned; there might just be more to her sough than the pain.
There’s sure to be a good chunk of people in the City who would sympathize with her woes…
All those experiences she had during her time of flitting around the City.
Even after acquiring her Fixer license, she took on chores and odd jobs at the lowest positions, all of which must have seemed inefficient and unreasonable for her.
Those lowly duties weren’t easy by any means, either.
It’s right in the job description that Fixers get their hands dirty, sure, but even they have things they’d rather avoid.
This bandage-swathed child undertook such undesirable tasks.
Perhaps that’s why she was able to join the Shi Association.
When she had woken up in a hospital after narrowly avoiding death on a perilous mission, she found a letter of recruitment from the Association at her bedside.
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Shi Section 5
Didn’t expect to meet the director like that, though…
Just as she was grumbling, she heard a loud voice from the room next to her.
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Shi Section 5
Don Quixote
…I said!!
It was full of genuine rage, something the child had never heard out of her director before.
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Shi Section 5
Don Quixote
I am rightly baffled by the ridiculous orders you issue whilst my juniors are in enough agony!
The child quietly placed her ear to the door, the voice becoming much clearer as she did so.
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Shi Section 5
Don Quixote
‘Tis against my will to reprimand my good men! Do you have any idea how it rendeth my guts to goad them with empty words?!
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Shi Section 5
The irritation in the child’s mind made way for emerging thoughts.
At that, she took quiet steps away from the door and back to her quarters.
“I thought I’d become a rather experienced Fixer by now, but I guess I haven’t changed so much after all.”
Arriving to that conclusion…
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Shi Section 5
The child let out a deep sigh.

World of the Shi Association Southern Branch Icon.png World of the Shi Association Southern Branch Identity Stories
Shi Assoc. South Section 5 Heathcliff Profile.png Shi Assoc. South Section 5 Ishmael Profile.png Shi Assoc. South Section 5 Director Don Quixote Profile.png