Shi Assoc. South Section 5 Heathcliff/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Equal death to something or... Tch. Whatever, I'm here to break stuff.
Morning Greeting Dammit... Who was the one that kept sleeping while their alarm was ringing? I'll make 'em pay...
Afternoon Greeting For lunch... I'd like something raw. The kind that's got blood dripping from it.
Evening Greeting Ever see a red moon, mate? It's a stoater. I fell in love with it at first sight.
Chatter #1 ...Worried about my wounds? Bloody hell, that's a right scunner. Don't you ever say that to me again.
Chatter #2 If there's no witnesses alive to clype, that's assassination, what more do you need? They won't stop bugging me about it, dammit.
Chatter #3 Stabbing the jugular all the time's frankly boring. That's just no fun, is it?
Post-Uptie Chat 1 My mates keep saying daft rubbish. All that mince about inner peace or quiet or whatsits... Won't it be best for all of us to just wreck shite and move on?
Post-Uptie Chat 2 I like that you turn that clock without complaining too much. That hole someone jabbed through my shoulder the other day must've been a right bugger to heal, too.
Idle Where'd you go? Damn, Ishmael would've spotted them in seconds...
Uptie I can keep on butchering 'em until you tell me to stop!
Deployment Alright, I'll give you something you won't regret!
Stage Entry I just have to crush everything I see, aye?
Viewed in Battle Alright, who do you want me to mess up?
Commencing Attack Aye, I'll go cut 'em!
Enemy Stagger How's that, it hurts to death, doesn't it?
Staggered Tch...!
Enemy Killed Target, removed~
Ally Death You shouldn't be out in the open if you don't have the skills to handle it.
Check Passed Look. Process be damned, it all turned out fine and well in the end, aye?
Check Failed Ain't the first time I'm sent to do work I'm not fit to do.
Victory Cry This was simple. Anything else left for me to stab?
Extra Conditions Fulfilled They were all prey to me.
Defeat Wail My sword says it ain't done yet! We're going back in, mate!