Rosespanner Workshop Rep. Rodion/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Hello, privet~ Presenting the rep of Rosespanner Workshop, I'm Rodya~
Morning Greeting Yaaawn... Take it easy, baby~ Get some coffee if you wanna. No need to wear yourself out so early in the morn~
Afternoon Greeting You're here? Check this out! I did it~ Won big again~ I earn more from playing card games during lunch than I do with a week's work of running this joint~ ...Sniffle.
Evening Greeting I'll be going first~ What the, you're staying for overtime? Oh boy... Got some work cut out, huh. You'll get paid handsomely, I promise!
Chatter #1 We make all the weapons we use~ Oh, what's wrong with this stupid thing... Haha, w--we also fix 'em all by ourselves.
Chatter #2 Ooh~ Whuzzat, whuzzat, Got a job for me?
Chatter #3 Am I not doing any work? Well, you see~ I'm a fieldwork kinda person. Fuhu. It's gonna be fine, others've got the desk work covered, I'm sure~
Post-Uptie Chat 1 Whaaat~?! Slot machines? Ugh, you dummy. You really think you can win money from that? You gotta use your skills!
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Alright, take a seat here... Hold the mouse! That's right. And when you click this~ You get into a game with that bucko! Wha... Four of a kind?!
Idle Whoocha~ Guess I'll lie down for a wee bit~
Uptying Hm~? I'm already the rep, I don't see how I can get to a higher position~ Just get us more work instead!
Deployment Aight, let's go for a round!
Stage Entry Let's get this bread~!
Viewed in Battle Mm? Bit busy right now, make it quick!
Commencing Attack Let's go!
Enemy Stagger Hmheh, pinched 'em right!
Staggered Kuh...
Enemy Killed Yeah, that's one done!
Death If I knew this would happen... I woulda gone for a bigger spree... the other day.
Check Passed Hmph, what a piece of rice cake!
Check Failed Psh... None of my tools fit.
Victory Cry Got it! That should keep us afloat~ And if I wanna pay my bosom buddies a handsome salary, I've gotta make more fortune out of it~ Huhu.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled Heehey, this is a huge success, ain't it? Am I gonna get a bonus?
Defeat Wail Ha... This might can the contract...