MultiCrack Office Rep Faust/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition While there are numerous deficiencies and points of failure to this plan, Faust will hone it into utter, unfailing perfection.
Morning Greeting An arm can always be spared for a cup of coffee in the morning. There are three more arms to utilize, after all.
Afternoon Greeting Please remember to submit the receipts after using a corporate credit card.
This Office may no longer provide a lunch budget should the employees continuously fail to submit their receipts.
Evening Greeting The prosthetic body does not feel muscular pain, even if it were to be put to work from sunrise to sunset.
… However, a regular maintenance may be needed to prevent creaking.
Chatter #1 If you would ever consider replacing more parts of your body than your head with prostheses, a good recommendation would be the Tres Association certified G10 model prosthetic legs.
A high-performance ambulatory apparatus is very useful for making oneself scarce from high-risk situations.
Chatter #2 The WARP train round trip ticket has been purchased via private funds, with Faust reserving a first class seat.
I do not yet know why the first class ticket has been purchased instead of the economy class ticket; however, Faust must know of the reason.
Chatter #3 A whole-body prosthetic has been considered, yes. … However, the upgrade budget for higher-quality prosthetics and the related risks were too significant to be followed through.
Faust believed it would be more efficient to slowly upgrade this body toward an increasingly stronger partial prosthetic.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 A greatsword of this size can be wielded by any individual as long as they possess sufficient budget, enough time to acclimatize, and the work of a trusted workshop.
Of course, it is up to each individual as to what kind of combat style they wish to employ.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Prosthetic bodies are rarely installed with pain receptors. Therefore, Fixers such as ourselves who utilize prosthetic bodies do not fear pain or injury.
… It is much more expensive to fix a prosthetic than it is to heal flesh, however.
Idle To summon someone and not address them is a highly inefficient action.
Uptying The contract target has been taken care of. The meticulous preparation for this contract expedition has certainly borne fruit.
Deployment All preparations have been made. Let us depart.
Stage Entry Model 40Y-3 fully charged. Ready for deployment.
Viewed in Battle Have you forgotten the plan?
Commencing Attack Attack range confirmed.
Enemy Stagger Efficiently…
Staggered Uh…
Enemy Killed … dispatched.
Death I have… insurance…
Check Passed As per Faust's calculations.
Check Failed There was an error.
Victory Cry A predictable victory, guided by Faust's knowledge.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled This contract was completed far ahead of schedule. A majority of credit would go to Faust and my expertise, but your effort was at an acceptable level as well.
Defeat Wail This expedition was a failure. Expeditious retreat and prosthetic replacement are necessary before we prepare for the expedition once again.