Lobotomy E.G.O::Sloshing Ishmael/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Haah... Please hold that laughter. Does it look like I wore this because I liked it?
Morning Greeting It's morning, and I already feel like ass... Oh, sorry, did you hear that? But... it really is true.
Afternoon Greeting You know, this sticky thing tastes awful.
How do I know...? I couldn't be bothered to take it off during lunchtime, and... let's stop here.
Evening Greeting Upsides, you ask... Check this out. The wings glow. Don't have to turn on the lights at night. I guess that's the one upside it has.
Chatter #1 Weirdly enough... while it drags my mood down to the bottom of the barrel, it's not actually as heavy as it looks.
Chatter #2 Ahah! ...L-Leave me alone, please... Haah, I keep laughing like drunkards ever since I put this on. It sucks.
Chatter #3 ...How many times do you have to ask? I can't fly. I mean, look how small these wings are, and... Haah, forget it.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 Mmm... A glass of fairy wine... What makes me keep saying this stuff? Manager! You know the answer, right?!
Post-Uptie Chat 2 I still don't know why I have to use this thing... but, it does get more familiar as I keep using it.
No! I am NOT talking about this jelly-like thing, I specifically mean the weapon!
Idle Haah... I don't even feel like sitting, this thing sticks to chairs if I try...
Uptying Oh, joy... I get recognition for this nonsense... Not sure how I should feel about it.
Deployment Let's go free some technology. I'm not too used to this, so... I might be a bit slow.
Stage Entry Ugh... It's gooey.
Viewed in Battle Not in the mood, please make it short.
Commencing Attack Here I go!
Enemy Stagger A toast! ...I mean, a clean hit, right?
Staggered Bwegh...
Enemy Killed Knocked out by the booze.
Death Bah... You had to keep being sticky... to the bitter end...
Check Passed Observing with gluey tenacity paid off.
Check Failed Ugh, it's this thing's fault for getting in the way.
Victory Cry Phew. That's dealt with somehow. ...This will help free more technologies, right?
Extra Conditions Fulfilled Ahah! Now that that's done, let's drink some fairy... Oh, there I go again with the twaddle... Let's get back.
Defeat Wail Damn it... We've failed to liberate. Nothing is working out.