LCCB Assistant Manager Ishmael/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Ishmael speaking. Is there anything I can help you with?
Morning Greeting Ah, I was... doing my morning routine. I need to warm up my body for what's to come.
Afternoon Greeting I make sure to have a balanced diet at all times. True professionals are not picky eaters.
Evening Greeting Did you have a untroubled day, Manager? It looks like I can finally rest.
Chatter #1 I know better than anyone about efficient mission planning and reconnaissance.
Chatter #2 One of the key qualities a manager must possess is the ability to utilize the ace members of their team.
Chatter #3 When carrying out missions, there's nothing worse than charging in without a thought--like a certain someone. You need to anticipate every variable.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 I know--I know I can be obsessive about preplanning at times. In my defense, however, you should be well aware that even a small mistake can lead to discordance and consequently a total wipeout.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Occasionally... your capabilities reassure me, Manager. But at the same time, it leaves me with this empty feeling. Thinking about my old teammates--they couldn't even be given a proper burial.
Idle Sigh... Have you gone off to clean up after the others again?
Deployment Mission confirmed, now on stand-by.
Stage Entry Preparations are set. Awaiting orders.
Viewed in Battle ...Wilco.
Commencing Attack Engaging the target.
Enemy Stagger Target incapitated.
Staggered Ah!
Enemy Killed Target neutralization confirmed.
Ally Death ...Medic, don't we have a medical team?
Check Passed Ahem, reporting in that we're all clear.
Check Failed Mission status... failure.
Victory Cry Mission complete. Returning to base per procedure. Out.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled This could earn me a medal... Ah, disregard this transmission! Mission complete. I-Ishmael out!
Defeat Wail My methodology was flawless. If you're looking for a reason we failed, kindly search somewhere.