Kurokumo Clan Wakashu Rodion/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition I'm here to cut things. Be it people, flowing water, drifting clouds, or someone's heart.
Morning Greeting My day starts at night~ In other words... Don't wake me up at this hour.
Afternoon Greeting 'Sup, Dante! What'd you have for lunch? You'd better not have had a better meal than mine.
Evening Greeting Earned a hefty sum of protection fee today~ Now where will I spend this? Heehee.
Chatter #1 My sword is terribly sharp. And rash. I'm saying it miiight just fail to hear your orders once in a blue moon. Not me, my sword. Fuhu.
Chatter #2 Hey~ That kid just won't stop pestering me, y'know? Says I'm being too vicious with the way I fight or whatevs... It's not my fault my foes are too soft for my sharp sword. Whew, what a nuisance.
Chatter #3 Just letting you know~ I'll leave this place whenever I feel bored. Don't you think about stopping me~
Post-Uptie Chat 1 I like the Backstreets~ It's the right level of grimy. A perfectly humble backdrop for letting my fabulous swordry shine.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 There are too many stingy folks in the world. Keeping all that money in a vault is going against the whole point of currency. ...So let's help that stockpiled cash find its true purpose.
Idle Mmm~ Keeping me waiting is gonna be a tad bit pricey. Think you can handle it?
Uptie You aren't gonna make a difference by doing a street dweller like me extra favors. It's not like I'm here to stay... Still, I guess it's nice to get something.
Deployment Time to pay up~
Stage Entry Who do I cut down this time, Dante?
Viewed in Battle My, I don't like to be bothered while I'm working~
Commencing Attack I like some substance in my victims~
Enemy Stagger You're not too soft, huh?
Staggered Hngh...!
Enemy Killed You were mushy after all.
Ally Death Yeesh. Don't try to convince anyone that you're a tough guy~
Check Passed I've never failed this kind of job!
Check Failed Nyeh~ This one's a flub.
Victory Cry That was a pretty crude job. Don't you have something more fun?
Extra Conditions Fulfilled See, there's nothing I can't cut.
Defeat Wail Things just don't work out sometimes~ It's not my sword's fault.