G Corp. Manager Corporal Gregor/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition Employee Gregor, reporting for duty! It’s an honor to join your mission, Manager!
Morning Greeting Good morning, Manager! Morning roll call was all clear!
Afternoon Greeting It’s lunch hours, Manager! I’ll perform the remaining tasks with due diligence!
Evening Greeting Nothing to report, Manager Dante!
Chatter #1 Manager! I’m still adjusting to life here… but thanks to everyone’s assistance, I am without trouble. Ms. Rodya often has unsavory comments, but… Haha, it’s alright.
Chatter #2 I’ll fight my enemies without hesitation. I’d made up my mind the day I was honored with an opportunity to get the modification procedure.
Chatter #3 Oh, this arm? I’m proud of it. It’s a tremendous boon to be able to enter the fray of battle… rather than helplessly watch from afar.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 The augmentation… I don’t regret it. One downside, though… is that I won’t ever be able to return to civilian life.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Nowadays… I try not to think much about what I do. It’s getting too taxing to keep up with this otherwise.
Idle Manager? I see you’ve taken a temporary leave. I’ll be on standby.
Uptie Salutations! I’ll continue to aid you to the best of my ability, Manager!
Deployment It’s an honor, Manager!
Stage Entry I will do my utmost!
Viewed in Battle Manager Corporal Gregor reporting!
Commencing Attack Roger that!
Enemy Stagger I got a clean hit!
Staggered Ngh…
Enemy Killed I took one down!
Ally Death I’ll work harder to make up for it…
Check Passed Splendid strategy, Manager!
Check Failed You trusted me with it… and yet I failed.
Victory Cry It’s all thanks to you, Manager. Your tactical prowess shined.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled This victory was all thanks to you, Executive Manager.
Defeat Wail This… is what a war is. I was wholly unqualified.