G Corp. Head Manager Outis/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition As of this moment, anyone who frowns at me will be dishonorably discharged.
Morning Greeting Oversleeping is not tolerated on my watch. Such tardiness in wartime is flat out asking to be killed.
Afternoon Greeting Look at those slackers, getting ready to roam about looking for a place to eat… I suggest we stock rations on the bus.
Evening Greeting I haven’t had the luxury of proper sleep for a long time. I saw firsthand the devastation that awaited me after a moment of rest.
Chatter #1 I never quite expected to meet the man here—our wartime hero who had vanished as soon as the war was over…
Chatter #2 A swarm of insects never knows retreat. They rush out without a hint of reservation, and their jaws gnaw even the dead.
Chatter #3 My old subordinates… They would charge ahead at a single gesture of my hand, advancing until nothing but empty husks remained in their wake. A stark contrast to what I have here.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 I am still unaccustomed to the blue sky, as well as the fact that I can freely breathe this air… and the absence of shouts and cries that would break the dawn.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Receiving commands from someone with zero experience in combat was unfathomable to me. However… I’m learning here that every rule has its exceptions.
Idle Perhaps a squad-wide roll call will knock some sense into them…
Uptie Salutations. I shall do my utmost to serve.
Deployment Ready to sortie!
Stage Entry I’m counting on your command.
Viewed in Battle Do you need my advice?
Commencing Attack Charging in.
Enemy Stagger I spotted a vulnerability.
Staggered Tch!
Enemy Killed Where do I go next?
Ally Death There will be full-on roll call tonight.
Check Passed Excellent command.
Check Failed I can’t expect every order to be flawless.
Victory Cry You’re worse than pests.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled I must acknowledge that your leadership rivals mine.
Defeat Wail If only I had assumed total command…