Dieci Assoc. South Section 4 Yi Sang/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition I am Yi Sang. Please remain silent, as you find yourself at the temple of knowledge.
Morning Greeting Ah, so the sun has risen… Mmhm. I feel a scintilla of fatigue setting in. I must rest a little…
Afternoon Greeting You seek sustenance…? Consuming a meal within these premises is prohibited. If you find yourself growing peckish, turn right at that exit over yonder. There, you shall find a cafeteria.
Evening Greeting Mm. Indeed, I noticed on my stroll here that the sun had sunk beyond the horizon. Yet, it is said that erudition comes more naturally under the pale moonlight. I suppose I shall read now, then.
Chatter #1 Knowledge must always be amassed to the full capacity. Occasions in which they may have to be burned for strength… arise with nary a forewarning.
Chatter #2 A decem millennium[1] of knowledge is stored here. What better place to delve deep into an unfamiliar subject? If you would allow me to speak in hyperbole… I would like nothing more than to spend an eternity in here.
Chatter #3 This Association also takes in those without places to go. One by one, the number of knowledge-seekers grows. Is it not a boon to all, to have more of those who simply enjoy the act of learning and understanding?
Post-Uptie Chat 1 I seem out of place as a member of the Fists, you say? Hm, one may wonder. Yet I maintain that there is a direct correlation—to learn is to write with my hands. To neutralize my enemies is to smite them with my hands. The distinction is paper-thin, indeed.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 To use my powers is to burn my amassed knowledge… yet I care not. Are you aware that reviewing is the most engrossing part of the learning process?
Idle Hmm…
Uptying Is that so… Then I must not grow complacent with my studies. I shall persevere.
Deployment Let us take our leave.
Stage Entry To reach the understanding of knowledge.
Viewed in Battle Is there aught you would like to ask?
Commencing Attack Pain paves the road to understanding!
Enemy Stagger The path to enlightenment is an excruciating one.
Staggered Ahm…
Enemy Killed Let us finish this.
Death I must have forgotten… the knowledge that would have been my salvation from death…
Check Passed As I have read in my books.
Check Failed Hm… I must review my materials.
Victory Cry We were victorious. Yet… these new gaps in my knowledge are rather vexing. I must return and review my materials.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled The hand is mightier than the key. I am certain that I have smote that understanding into them. And… Hm. I do not recall what I had planned to say hereafter.
Defeat Wail You must be disappointed. It appears that my studies were not enough… I must delve deeper in my erudition.


  1. Decem millenium: Ten thousand years (worth of)