Branch J-03/Floor 2

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Floor Map

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Story Episodes

Production Line 1, 2, 3


Speaker Dialogue
Location: Casino Mine B2
Meursault StoryLog.png
Sinner #5
It’s a freight container made of smooth and colorful plastic.
Meursault StoryLog.png
Sinner #5
The prevalence of peculiar materials suggests that this is not a simple manufacturing facility.
As soon as Meursault finished, the colorful yet ominously designed container activated with a cheery tune.
Sinclair StoryLog.png
Sinner #11
I’ve got a bad feeling…
Sinclair StoryLog.png
Sinner #11
Why aren’t there any security guards around now?
“Well…” was all I could mutter before the answer revealed itself to us.
The doors of the container opened as it finished operating, and inside…
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
Ah. Ah.
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
Highly excited!!!
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
Thoroughly amusing!!!
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? StoryLog.png
Have You Become Strong
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
ATH!!!! ATH!!!! ATH!!!!
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
Hm… It appears they redoubled excavation efforts from this point onward.
Faust StoryLog.png
Sinner #2
I can’t think of any other reason to augment humans on a conveyor belt…
Dante StoryLog.png
<Yeah, yeah, I get it, now let’s move! They’re pointed right at us singing that spooky song!>

Story Dungeon Events

Suspiciously Sparkly Vending Machine

Suspiciously Sparkly Vending Machine
Suspiciously Sparkly Vending Machine.png

In the middle of the factory, you find a vending machine with large buttons.

They’re colorful and fancy…
You feel a strong compulsion to press them.

Which one will you press?

Press the red button with a fist icon.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
"Congrats! Congrats!”

Something rumbled down the chute.

It appears to be a toy fist.

E.G.O Gift Toy Fist earned!
Press the yellow button with a foot icon.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
"Congrats! Congrats!”

Something rumbled down the chute.

It appears to be a toy foot.

E.G.O Gift Toy Foot earned!
Press the green button with a heart icon.
Gain an E.G.O Gift.
"Congrats! Congrats!”

Something rumbled down the chute.

It appears to be a toy screw.

E.G.O Gift Toy Screw earned!
Press all the buttons at once.
Gain 3 E.G.O Gifts. But…
"Error! Error!”

The vending machine began to rattle.

“H-Hey, what’s wrong with this thing?”

“Sigh, you should’ve known better than to get gre—”

Before the Sinner could finish, the machine exploded, spewing a slew of toy parts into the air.

All allies took 25 HP and SP damage!
E.G.O Gift Toy Fist earned!
E.G.O Gift Toy Foot earned!
E.G.O Gift Toy Screw earned!
Don’t press anything.
You should resist odd impulses like this.
Meddling with the unknown is surely a bad idea.

You left the vending machine without touching a thing.

Nothing happened.


Toy Fist Gift.png
Toy Fist
All allies deal +10% damage.
Toy Foot Gift.png
Toy Foot
All allies gain +1 Speed.
Toy Screw Gift.png
Toy Screw
All allies gain +10% Max HP.

Exhilarating Edutainment Featuring Excess Violence!

Exhilarating Edutainment Featuring Excess Violence!
Exhilarating Edutainment Featuring Excess Violence!.png

Exiting the passage, you see a group of cyborgs gathered around a huge roulette.

“Oh. Highly. Excited. Thoroughly. Amusing.”
“Da GAME of DE—ATH!”

They approach you, chanting in strange beats.
It looks like they want you to play a game of roulette. What should you do?

Take on the challenge.
Rodion gains SP. Run Wrath, Sloth, and Gloom checks. Pass to heal all allies’ SP and gain an E.G.O Gift.
“You know this is where I shine!”

Rodya proudly proclaimed as she stepped forward.
You can see a mixture of anticipation and excitement on her face.

Rodion healed for 20 SP!

Liking red color! Liking red color! Like it! Like it!”

A group of cyborgs yelled along to a strange rhythm.

“Red 4!!!”

Exulting the number high, they spun the roulette.
Then they handed a roulette ball to one of the Sinners
It seems the ball has to enter a red pocket with a number higher than 4.
Who should spin the ball?

LcbSinWrath.png Wrath Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 5
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 7

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

“Losing! Defeat!! Urgh-ack!”

The “upgraded” croupier fell to the ground, buzzing and sparking.
Even its final throes felt rhythmic.

The Sinner who passed the check healed for 15 SP!

“No time now~ To stay all~ H. U. R. T!”

The chuckling cyborgs went back to the roulette.

“Like yellow color! Like yellow color! Yellow! Yellow! Yellow!”

“Yellow 6!!!”
This time, the ball has to enter a yellow pocket with a number higher than 6.
Who should spin the ball?

LcbSinSloth.png Sloth Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 7
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 9

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

“All lost! Foil again!! Ya-aaa-argh!”

The “upgraded” croupier fell to the ground, buzzing and sparking.

The Sinner who passed the check healed for 15 SP!

“Can’t say no to fun! Not. One. Little tiny bit!”

The singing group of cyborgs spins the wheel.

“Liking blue color! Liking blue color! Bluey! Bluey! Bluey!”

“Blue 8!!!”
This time, the ball has to enter a blue pocket with a number higher than 8.
Who should spin the ball?

LcbSinGloom.png Gloom Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 9
No Advantage: CoinIconGlow.png ≥ 11

CoinIconGlow.png Check Passed

“Everything! Gone up bust!! Dammit!”

The “upgraded” croupier fell to the ground, buzzing and sparking.

All the other cyborgs broke down with it at the same time.
Have we won…?

You noticed something glowing in their pile of tin rubble.
You carefully picked it up.

All allies healed for 30 SP!
Rodion healed for 20 SP!
E.G.O Gift Rainbow Mainspring earned!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed


The cyborg swung its massive arm to smack the Sinner.

“GAME OVER! Consolation prize time!”
The group of cyborgs tossed something at us, then walked away.

The Sinner who failed the check took 20 HP Damage!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

“Here comes the fist to you~! Ready? Bready-tready-steady!”

The cyborg swung its massive arm to smack the Sinner.

With the Sinner crumpled on the floor, the game had to come to a stop…

The Sinner who failed the check took 20 HP Damage!
CoinIcon.png Check Failed

“Get beaten! Get all thrashed, real pulped!”

As soon as the cyborg saw the ball roll into the wrong pocket, it swung its massive arm to smack the Sinner.

With the Sinner crumpled on the floor, the game had to come to a stop…

The Sinner who failed the check took 20 HP Damage!
Forget games! Crush them in battle.
Rodion loses SP. Begin a combat encounter. Win to gain an E.G.O Gift.
This is not the time for gaming of all things.
Let’s just deal with those crazed cyborgs and move on.


Rodya smacked her lips in dissatisfaction, but you know you can’t always afford to give every Sinner what they want.

Rodion lost 40 SP!
Combat Encounter!

Win the next battle to gain E.G.O Gift Rusty Mainspring!


Rainbow Mainspring Gift.png
Rainbow Mainspring
At the start of the turn, apply 2 Protection.pngProtectionProtection.png Protection
Take -(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
to the ally with the least HP.
Rusty Mainspring Gift.png
Rusty Mainspring
At the start of the turn, apply 1 Protection.pngProtectionProtection.png Protection
Take -(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
to the ally with the least HP.


Have You Become Strong

LcbSinPride.pngYou Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?
You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily? Idle Sprite.png
Become Strong? Genuinely? Idle Sprite.png Grown Powerful! For Realsies? Idle Sprite.png


Obtained after suppressing You Want To Get Beat? Hurtily?.

Emergency Surgical Kit Gift.png
Emergency Surgical Kit
During battle, if an ally takes lethal damage, their HP won’t go below 1.
On the next turn, fully heal their HP and gain 3 Surgery.pngSurgerySurgery.png Surgery
Die when Count reaches 5.
Reduce Max HP by 20% per Count (X).
Deal 20% more damage per Count (X).
Turn Start: Gain X Haste.
They will die at the end of the battle.
(Activates once per dungeon, then the Gift expires.)

Pink Shoes

LcbSinLust.pngClippity-cloppity? Tap Away!
Clippity-cloppity? Tap Away! Idle Sprite.png
Pink Shoes Enchantee Idle Sprite.png Pink Shoes Possessee Idle Sprite.png


Obtained after suppressing Pink Shoes.

Writhing Ribbon Gift.png
Writhing Ribbon
After winning a Clash using a Lust skill, inflict 1 Bind.pngBindBind.png Bind
Speed -X for this turn.
and 1 Fragile.pngFragileFragile.png Fragile
Take +(X*10)% damage this turn. (Max 100%)
next turn.