Blade Lineage Salsu Yi Sang/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition I know of the ways to cut through a heart with elegance and eccentricity.
Morning Greeting It’s time again for a banquet of swordplay.
Afternoon Greeting Be wary of those with plenty of laughs and smiles to show. A sharp edge lurks beneath that deceptive expression.
Evening Greeting I do not enjoy the moonlight much. All it does is shed a gleam on what should be left unlit.
Chatter #1 These scars? They are healed up now. Rather than that… shouldn’t you be asking what became of those who left them on me?
Chatter #2 The sharpest blade has no meaning if it lies unused.
Chatter #3 Are you curious of my past? Such things… have all been cut off long ago.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 To tell you a secret, I can slay a foe with both my eyes and ears closed. …I was in jest. Dante, you truly are credulous.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 Until now, a clock was nothing more than a useless thing to me. Yours, however, has such a peculiar charm to it, Dante.
Idle You’re rather cold, turning away the moment a conversation dies down.
Uptie I shall stay by your side until my sword breaks.
Deployment It’s time to raise a deluge of blood.
Stage Entry Are you in need of this blade?
Viewed in Battle The sword is still sharp.
Commencing Attack I shall carve the sin unto you.
Enemy Stagger It’s bloodshed.
Staggered Hmh…
Enemy Killed A consequence of the scars.
Ally Death This will leave a scar not.
Check Passed Scars signify experience.
Check Failed It would seem that I dug a grave.
Victory Cry I am relieved to see that they know to comply.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled I shred them to pieces. My mind is now clearer than ever.
Defeat Wail My sword has cut its fair share. Nothing stops me from accepting this result.