Blade Lineage Salsu Outis/Voicelines

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Occasion English Audio
Identity Acquisition I've followed the flow to this place, and I'll cut down all that impedes it.
Morning Greeting I normally rise early in the morning. Watching the sun on the horizon gives me the feeling that the day has begun.
Afternoon Greeting Rodion... She kept on insisting that she take me to a restaurant. Though the concept is foreign to me, it would seem that some people derive joy from eating.
Evening Greeting When you wish to clear your head, admiring the moonlight can help.
Chatter #1 You shouldn't restrain yourself from cutting down whatever obstructs your way, even if it is to wound your heart as well.
Chatter #2 I dislike long conversation. No words hold more weight than those of clashing blades.
Chatter #3 Bearing a sword naturally makes your mind calm and your actions swift.
Post-Uptie Chat 1 To become a leader is to sail a vast sea. It is a wide-spanning ordeal, with no destination in clear sight... yet there is nowhere to fall back to.
Post-Uptie Chat 2 To what extents are you willing to go for the sake of your goal, Executive Manager? Alongside that... how much of yourself can you withstand to forfeit?
Idle These days, advanced technology makes erasing bloodstains a trivial task, as though it were only right that we forget about death that easily.
Uptie If you so wish... I shall serve you.
Deployment I will dispatch them.
Stage Entry It's time to have blades meet.
Viewed in Battle I'd appreciate it if you kept it simple.
Commencing Attack I won't stand back.
Enemy Stagger I should be able to slay them with ease.
Staggered Mmpf!
Enemy Killed A result earned through calmness.
Ally Death That must be tough to recover, Executive Manager.
Check Passed I see you know your way around a sword.
Check Failed It was my fault for neglecting to train.
Victory Cry I only followed the path I saw.
Extra Conditions Fulfilled I slew them all, dancing along with the flow.
Defeat Wail I hold no regrets.