W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Faust/Identity Story

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Speaker Dialogue
W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Faust Full.png
Faust Story Icon.png
W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[WARP, or dimensional travel…]
Faust Story Icon.png
W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[…Hour 23, Minute 2, Faust speaking… Continuing from Log Number 16.]
Faust Story Icon.png
W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[In reality, W Corp’s Singularity lies on a highly complex web of interests.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[Its service is simply throwing passenger trains into a ‘dimension’ with a set destination, using a Singularity bargained out from a firm that couldn’t become a Wing.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[I have been unable to figure out the real Singularity… but, based on information inferred from rumors and testimonies…]
Faust Story Icon.png
W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[(Sound of brushing hair) I believe it’s something that can be compared to the “undo” function in digital programs.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[They likely possess a technology that can restore things to a previously saved state.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[Haaa… I, Faust, believe that the “cleanup” process that our crew has to carry out is irrational.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[However, I do take interest in the fact that irreversible actions manifest as reversible after passing through a number of Singularities.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[…I’m about to end the log here.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[As I always say, this analysis is not for the public good.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[I, Faust…]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[Have one wish—to know all of the City.]
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W Corp. Cleanup Agent
[…Hour 23, Minute 5, Faust speaking. End of Log.]

World of W Corp. Icon.png World of W Corp. Identity Stories
W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Don Quixote Profile.png W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Faust Profile.png W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Meursault Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Ryōshū Profile.png W Corp. L2 Cleanup Agent Hong Lu Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Agent Yi Sang Profile.png W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis Profile.png