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Look, I don't actually believe you hired me because you saw my potential or something like that. But I want to believe that you found the hope in potentialities because of me.

–Johann, Intervallo V: LCB Regular Check-up

Johann is a former employee of Lobotomy Corporation, who worked alongside Hohenheim as his right-hand man.


Johann has long orange hair that gradually becomes black towards the ends, parted down the middle, and orange eyes. He wears a long black jacket with indigo lining and lapels. On his right arm, the jacket features three stripes of the same indigo color, while he wears a Lobotomy Corporation Control Team armband on his left arm. Beneath his overcoat is a black suit jacket that features blue lapels, overtop a white suit and black tie.


Johann is a very casual person, who remains grateful towards Hohenheim due to the latter being one to scout him from the Backstreets. Due to his casual disposition, he was able to cover Hohenheim's logical blind spots, allowing the Department to secure several Department of the Year awards. Despite his lax personality, he would ultimately choose to sacrifice himself so Hohenheim could escape the Branch they presided in.


Prior to Limbus Company

Scouted from the Backstreets by Hohenheim, Johann would come to thank the scientist one day, and extend the offer to become the man's right-hand man, in hopes of capitalizing on his 'potentiality'. While Hohenheim reluctantly agrees to the offer initially, he would come to regard Johann and the others he worked alongside as close friends. The Department would come to great success with the two working together.

At the completion of the Seed of Light project, Lobotomy Corporation Branches began their burial protocol. Johann would be among the strugglers trying to escape, though he would make Hohenheim take the final escape pod elevator to the surface. He would admit he knew Hohenheim never believed in his potential, though still told him to rise to the surface. When questioned what would become of him, he simply mentions a 'next time', before Hohenheim makes it to the surface of the buried Branch.

It is mentioned Hohenheim would hire new members of the LCE from people within the Backstreets, likely done in memory of Johann.

Intervallo V: LCB Regular Check-up

In Hohenheim's Fathoms, a repressed memory of Johann would come to surface, censored by the Distorted Hohenheim. Recounting the two's past, Johann would become uncensored as Hohenheim is pushed to suppression, allowing him to return to his natural state.



  • Johann takes his name from the German itinerant alchemist Faust, or Johann Georg Faust, who was active in Europe in the first half of the 16th Century, similarly to the fellow alchemist Paracelsus. After his death, Faust became the basis for the literary Faust's character in multiple adaptations, including Goethe's.
  • Johann's Story Log Portrait visibly features a yellow lapel, different from his in-game sprite using an indigo lapel.
    • The suit with the yellow lapel resembles the Hornet E.G.O Suit originating from Queen Bee, an Abnormality from Lobotomy Corporation. This may suggest that the suit his in-game sprite wears originates from an Abnormality related to Queen Bee.


Site-logo.pngWiki Navigation
Mechanics Battles - Battle Announcers - E.G.O - Identities - Events - Items - Luxcavation - Mirror Dungeon - Story Dungeon - Theater
Seasonal Events Seasons - Limbus Pass - Refraction Railway - Dante's Notes - Walpurgis Night
Characters Dante - Vergilius - Charon

Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
Heathcliff Icon.png #7 Heathcliff Ishmael Icon.png #8 Ishmael - Rodion Icon.png #9 Rodion - Site-logo.png #10 Dante - Sinclair Icon.png #11 Sinclair - Outis Icon.png #12 Outis - Gregor Icon.png #13 Gregor

Locations The City (Districts (NestsBackstreets)) - Outskirts - The Great Lake - Mephistopheles
Lore Abnormalities - E.G.O - Distortion - The Sign - Smoke War - Singularity - Golden Bough
Factions Limbus Company - Fixers (OfficesAssociations) - Syndicates (Five Fingers) - Wings
Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Hero" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company
LCB Sinner Yi Sang.png LCB Sinner Faust.png LCB Sinner Don Quixote.png LCB Sinner Ryōshū.png LCB Sinner Meursault.png LCB Sinner Hong Lu.png LCB Sinner Heathcliff.png LCB Sinner Ishmael.png LCB Sinner Rodion.png LCB Sinner Sinclair.png LCB Sinner Outis.png LCB Sinner Gregor.png 
Dante StoryLog.png Vergilius StoryLog.png Charon StoryLog.png Saude StoryLog.png Effie StoryLog.png Pilot StoryLog.png Caiman StoryLog.png Moses StoryLog.png Ezra StoryLog.png Hohenheim StoryLog.png Marton StoryLog.png Alyssa StoryLog.png Hermann StoryLog.png Gubo StoryLog.png Jia Huan StoryLog.png Aseah StoryLog.png Demian StoryLog.png Rim StoryLog.png Sansón StoryLog.png Panther StoryLog.png Lion StoryLog.png Wolf StoryLog.png Yuri StoryLog.png Aya StoryLog.png Hopkins StoryLog.png Old G Corp. Head Manager StoryLog.png Tomah StoryLog.png Alex StoryLog.png Sonya StoryLog.png Tingtang Boss StoryLog.png Aida StoryLog.png Tieqiu Boss StoryLog.png Kromer StoryLog.png Guido StoryLog.png Siegfried StoryLog.png Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner StoryLog.png Bodhisattva Chicken's Manager StoryLog.png Dongrang StoryLog.png Samjo StoryLog.png Shrenne StoryLog.png Alfonso StoryLog.png Stephanette StoryLog.png Dongbaek StoryLog.png Marile StoryLog.png Ran StoryLog.png Niko StoryLog.png Olga StoryLog.png Rain StoryLog.png Mika StoryLog.png Ahab StoryLog.png Queequeg StoryLog.png Starbuck StoryLog.png Pip StoryLog.png Stubb StoryLog.png Smee StoryLog.png Ricardo StoryLog.png Indigo Elder StoryLog.png Santata StoryLog.png Dodoru StoryLog.png Crayon StoryLog.png Domino StoryLog.png Bamboo-hatted Kim StoryLog.png Aeng-du StoryLog.png Jun StoryLog.png Catherine StoryLog.png Nelly StoryLog.png Hindley StoryLog.png Josephine StoryLog.png Mr. Earnshaw StoryLog.png Erlking Heathcliff StoryLog.png Every Catherine StoryLog.png Linton StoryLog.png Öufi Assoc. Director StoryLog.png Hubert StoryLog.png The Time Ripper StoryLog.png Bumble StoryLog.png Mai StoryLog.png District 20 Yurodiviye Captain StoryLog.png Cassetti StoryLog.png Sasha StoryLog.png La Manchaland's Don Quixote StoryLog.png The Barber StoryLog.png The Priest StoryLog.png Dulcinea StoryLog.png Bari StoryLog.png Cesara StoryLog.png Alessio StoryLog.png Han-ul StoryLog.png Camille StoryLog.png Paula StoryLog.png Romero StoryLog.png Hugo StoryLog.png Jia Xichun StoryLog.png Wei StoryLog.png