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I am a researcher who wishes to humiliate the field of mathematical statistics, unlike the general lay of the academia.

–Hohenheim, Intervallo V: LCB Regular Check-up

Hohenheim is the chief researcher working for Limbus Company as part of the LCE Department. He is a major supporting character in Intervallo V: LCB Regular Check-up, being the primary overseer to the Sinners' check-up.


Hohenheim is a scrawny man with shaggy, blue, hair and round glasses. He is seen with a exhausted expression and stubble during the events of Intervallo V: LCB Regular Check-up. He wears an iteration of the AEDD E.G.O Suit sourced from the Abnormality Shock Centipede extracted by Limbus Company's LCE Department, featuring a high collar and two large belts fastening the suit in the front. Across the blue E.G.O Suit's shoulders and end of tailcoat, there are large blue nails with electricity sparking between them. Beneath the coat, he wears a black suit with a blue tie. Typical of his department, he wears an LCE armband on his left arm.

In the past, while employed at Lobotomy Corporation, he had a cleanly shaved face, and wore a white lab coat over a dark suit with a red tie. On his left arm, he wore a Control Team armband.

As a Distortion, Hohenheim takes a humanoid appearance, wearing what seems to be a lab coat or straightjacket with a bluish appearance, with a red stain flowing down from their neck hole. His entire body is accosted by dark red arms with sharp digits, which also holds up his "head", a sphere that contains an eye with many pupils inside of it.


Hohenheim is a straightforward speaking person, choosing not to mince words, making him very unpopular with most people. Despite his arrogance, he is a strikingly intelligent person, contributing further to his unpopularity as he chooses to knowingly place himself above others in many discussions. He is focused upon the bounds of research, going as far as willingly Distorting in hopes of discovering more information surrounding the phenomenon.

Despite his apparent callousness, he carries a deep grief relating to his past at Lobotomy Corporation. He would repress his sadness, having convinced himself that it was the logical thing to do.


Prior to Limbus Company

During the existence of Lobotomy Corporation, he would be hired to work within one of the corporation's Branch's Asiyah Layers, being a researcher within the Control Team. Due to his exceptional intelligence, he was provided his own laboratory, where he would be contacted by Johann, a man he initially disregarded, who originated from the Backstreets. Johann thanked him for having chosen him as a new hire, believing it to be a way for him to access his 'potentiality', something Hohenheim made no attempt in humoring. Johann would raise the possibility of becoming the researcher's right-hand man due to their contrasting view points, something Hohenheim would reluctantly allow, resulting in several Department of the Year awards while collaborating.

As the Seed of Light process began to reach its apex, Lobotomy Corporation Branches began their burial protocol, which would leave Hohenheim and his Branch in a panic. The escape pods only had room for one more person, with the next set to come several minutes after the burial. Despite Hohenheim's concerns about his colleagues, Johann was able to convince him to take the remaining seat, ultimately leading to Hohenheim's survival. Hohenheim would later become employed under Limbus Company's LCE Branch, where he would favor hiring employees from the Backstreets such as Alyssa and Marton.

Intervallo V: LCB Regular Check-up

As the Sinners first arrive to Limbus Company Headquarters, Hohenheim would announce the beginning of the check-up they required, something that would be repeatedly delayed due to the travel that the group would do, much to the company's dismay. Despite the delay, the trio of researchers composed of Hohenheim, Alyssa, and Marton, would proceed with a variety of combat tests involving Peccatulum, allowing the group to gather relevant information to each Sinner pertaining to their abilities. Hohenheim would choose Heathcliff to be his assistant in the tests, giving the Sinner some level of control over the others.

While the tests would continue steadily, Hohenheim and company would grow interested in Don Quixote's quirk revolving around her sneakers. Goading her into removing Rocinante, they would witness the Sinners battle Sancho until they are killed by her—requiring Vergilius to enter and defeat her. Hohenheim admits to his fault, though quickly moves on to the next step of the planned check-up, wherein he explains the way the Abnormality and Distortion classification codes have been updated.

Hohenheim would choose to Distort under the influence of a Monolith, something he acquired due to Limbus Company's early adoption of them as a resource. Admitting he understands that he may only turn into a Peccatula, he remains steadfast on taking the chance. He would successfully Distort, only to be forced into his Fathoms through the use of a pre-planned code he provided to his assistants, read out by Meursault.

Inside his Fathoms, taking the form of the Lobotomy Corporation Branch he once was employed at, he would use his abilities to censor and obfuscate information regarding his past, though this would be unsuccessful as the Sinners naturally end up revealing his history as they proceed to the conclusion of the Fathoms. When they arrive at the end, they would begin suppression of the scientist, assisted by Dante reasoning against Hohenheim's denial of his own human emotions. After defeating the Distortion in combat, Hohenheim would recall the fact of Johann having allowed him to escape the Lobotomy Corporation Branch they worked at, before being suppressed and returning to his natural state.

After some time, Hohenheim would reawaken. Stating he wished he could be more like Heathcliff, he would declare his experiment a failure due to his hypothesis, that all one needs to do to stop Distortion is hold a firm belief in themselves, being incorrect, and that if it had been true he would have remained a Distortion. Lamenting on his mediocre strength as a Distortion, Faust would declare the check-up concluded and the Sinners would then take their departure.

Observation Logs

Log Writer: Heathcliff

Bloody hell, why’s it gotta be my job to write this report?

I didn’t feel like writing it myself, so I was going to ask someone to do it for me. Had I known this was going to be my responsibility, there’s no way in hell I would’ve accepted bein’ his assistant or whatever.

… Well, what have I got to say? Looks like he’s just as much of a pain in the arse as he was as a human.

His outfit didn’t change much, but his neck got stretched out like some broccoli with eyeballs in its head.

Oh, maybe the outfit did change. There were those shadowy hand-like things stuck all over ‘im.

He’s… putting up quite the challenge. Shootin’ laser beams from his head…

Absorbing something and siphoning our energy…

Oh, and he’s been observing us through the whole mess, too. I guess these habits die hard, even after he's distorted.

And once he observed us for a while… how should I put this? Yeah, his attacks hurt more. As though he’s analyzing our weaknesses.

… And that’s pretty much it for the changes. Bloke’s just as irritatingly eloquent as ever.

You know what, though? He sure is bloody pompous, but I don’t know if he really is that much of a bastard.

I’ve been feeling something familiar goin’ on between the researchers here while I worked as his assistant.

It’s like a bond, of sorts… kinda like… the same family-like solidarity I’ve felt before when I was a part of that Backstreets Syndicate.

And… if we’re being honest here, even you lot don’t ever take my suggestions seriously, do you?

But he does. Whatever dumb suggestion I make, he listens earnestly. Sure, he’ll shut me down, but at least he’ll listen before he does and explain why I'm wrong. He doesn't just look away pretendin’ I didn’t say anything.

He’s not gonna bite it from a Distortion or whatever experiment this is.

So… let’s bring ‘im back.

It’s what we do best, innit?

→ Damn, now that’s unexpected. I thought you two’d be like oil and water. I guess you grew pretty fond of Hohenheim, huh? (Gregor)

→ We’ve all been too hard on him, that’s why… Alright! Heath, if ya need anyone to lend ya an ear, come to me. How’s that? (Rodion)

→ Rodya, aren’t you the one who always 'ignores' Heathcliff's inputs…? (Ishmael)

→ W-well, that’s because Dante told me to~ (Rodion)



  • Hohenheim takes his name from the Swiss alchemist and physician Paracelsus, or Theophrastus von Hohenheim, who was active in Europe in the first half of the 16th Century, similarly to the fellow alchemist Faust.
  • The code Meursault reads to force Hohenheim into his Fathoms directly references his background, particularly Johann.
    • This code is: "Lobotomy Corporation. Five Minutes. Potentiality. Anticipation. Right-hand."
  • Hohenheim's self-assigned classification code is HE-5-SU.
    • This classification code mirrors the idea of being mediocre mentioned throughout the Intervallo, as HE-5-SU implies he's right in the middle of the classification scale, meaning that despite his genius, he is an average person. The "SU" part of the code refers to Superbia, or Pride, reflecting how he acted unfazed by his past and being the only one to escape.


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Yi Sang Icon.png #1 Yi Sang - Faust Icon.png #2 Faust - Don Quixote Icon.png #3 Don Quixote - Ryoshu Icon.png #4 Ryōshū - Meursault Icon.png #5 Meursault - Hong Lu Icon.png #6 Hong Lu
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Songs "In Hell We Live, Lament" - "Between Two Worlds" - "Fly, My Wings" - "Compass" - "Through Patches of Violet" - "Hero" - "Pass On"
Media Lobotomy Corporation - WonderLab - Library of Ruina - The Distortion Detective - Leviathan - Limbus Company
LCB Sinner Yi Sang.png LCB Sinner Faust.png LCB Sinner Don Quixote.png LCB Sinner Ryōshū.png LCB Sinner Meursault.png LCB Sinner Hong Lu.png LCB Sinner Heathcliff.png LCB Sinner Ishmael.png LCB Sinner Rodion.png LCB Sinner Sinclair.png LCB Sinner Outis.png LCB Sinner Gregor.png 
Dante StoryLog.png Vergilius StoryLog.png Charon StoryLog.png Saude StoryLog.png Effie StoryLog.png Pilot StoryLog.png Caiman StoryLog.png Moses StoryLog.png Ezra StoryLog.png Marton StoryLog.png Alyssa StoryLog.png Hermann StoryLog.png Gubo StoryLog.png Jia Huan StoryLog.png Aseah StoryLog.png Demian StoryLog.png Rim StoryLog.png Sansón StoryLog.png Panther StoryLog.png Lion StoryLog.png Wolf StoryLog.png Yuri StoryLog.png Aya StoryLog.png Hopkins StoryLog.png Old G Corp. Head Manager StoryLog.png Tomah StoryLog.png Alex StoryLog.png Sonya StoryLog.png Tingtang Boss StoryLog.png Aida StoryLog.png Tieqiu Boss StoryLog.png Kromer StoryLog.png Guido StoryLog.png Siegfried StoryLog.png Eunbong’s Bar & Fryers Owner StoryLog.png Bodhisattva Chicken's Manager StoryLog.png Dongrang StoryLog.png Samjo StoryLog.png Shrenne StoryLog.png Alfonso StoryLog.png Stephanette StoryLog.png Dongbaek StoryLog.png Marile StoryLog.png Ran StoryLog.png Niko StoryLog.png Olga StoryLog.png Rain StoryLog.png Mika StoryLog.png Ahab StoryLog.png Queequeg StoryLog.png Starbuck StoryLog.png Pip StoryLog.png Stubb StoryLog.png Smee StoryLog.png Ricardo StoryLog.png Indigo Elder StoryLog.png Santata StoryLog.png Dodoru StoryLog.png Crayon StoryLog.png Domino StoryLog.png Bamboo-hatted Kim StoryLog.png Aeng-du StoryLog.png Jun StoryLog.png Catherine StoryLog.png Nelly StoryLog.png Hindley StoryLog.png Josephine StoryLog.png Mr. Earnshaw StoryLog.png Erlking Heathcliff StoryLog.png Every Catherine StoryLog.png Linton StoryLog.png Öufi Assoc. Director StoryLog.png Hubert StoryLog.png The Time Ripper StoryLog.png Bumble StoryLog.png Mai StoryLog.png District 20 Yurodiviye Captain StoryLog.png Cassetti StoryLog.png Sasha StoryLog.png La Manchaland's Don Quixote StoryLog.png The Barber StoryLog.png The Priest StoryLog.png Dulcinea StoryLog.png Bari StoryLog.png Cesara StoryLog.png Alessio StoryLog.png Han-ul StoryLog.png Camille StoryLog.png Paula StoryLog.png Romero StoryLog.png Hugo StoryLog.png Jia Xichun StoryLog.png Wei StoryLog.png Johann StoryLog.png