Full-Stopped by a Bullet

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Full-Stopped by a Bullet is the title for the micro-event held for the 5th Walpurgis Night.


Mini Episode

For a full transcript of the Mini Episodes, see The 5th Walpurgis Night.

The 5th Walpurgis Night is a Mini Episode taking place some time after the events of Canto VII: The Dream Ending.

Church of Gears

Church of Gears Logo.png

The enemies fought in this event are adherents belonging to the Church of Gears first seen in Library of Ruina.

Entities Encountered

Three types of enemies are seen: the Aggressive Gear Fanatics and the Gear Worshippers in two versions, Nimble and Threatening.

The Gear Worshippers are the weaker enemies, while the Gear Fanatics are stronger and lower in number, taking a role similar to Dawn of Green - Doubt - δ enemies seen during The Dawn of Green in disallowing further enemies to spawn while these units are onstage.

Their fighting style is largely identical to that of Church of Gears Worshippers seen in Library of Ruina, having a skillset that revolves around infliction and self-application of Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
, a status effect mechanically similar to Tremor.pngTremorTremor.png TremorWhen hit by attacks that trigger Tremor Burst, raise the Stagger Threshold by X. Lasts Y turn(s). but which gives a constant increase in damage dealt and taken. However, the Gear Worshippers' 'Puffy Brume' Passive allows them to bypass the increased damage due to Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
, making them deal more damage instead.

Skillset-wise, all Gear Worshippers has a LcbSinWrath.pngWrath Skill that self-applies Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
, a LcbSinGluttony.pngGluttony Skill that both applies either Paralyze.pngParalyzeParalyze.png ParalyzeFix the Power of X Coin(s) to 0 for this turn. or Bind.pngBindBind.png BindSpeed -X for this turn. on Heads Hit and applies/self-applies Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
, and a LcbSinLust.pngLust Skill that consumes Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
on self to buff the Skill, in addition to applying Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
and Reusing the last Coin based on Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
on the target (the Aggressive Gear Fanatic has an additional LcbSinGloom.pngGloom Skill with similar effects). All Gear Worshippers additionally have an Evade.pngEvade Defense Skill that self-applies Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
(or buffs at max Smoke.pngSmokeSmoke.png Smoke- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 5
- At 9+ Potency, Final Power +1
- Take +5% more damage for every Potency
- Lose 1 Count at Turn End
Potency) On Evade.

Gear Worshippers use a mix of Pierce.pngPierce and Blunt.pngBlunt Skills. They share a 'Fatal' resistance to Pierce.pngPierce damage, while being 'Normal' to all other Damage Types and Sin Affinities.

Church of Gears

The Battle

There are two difficulties of the fight, with significantly different mechanisms.

Only 5 Sinners can be brought into battle (with the rest available as Backup), and whoever is selected first will have the Ready to Fire.pngReady to FireReady to Fire.png Ready to Fire- Skill Slot +1
- Modify Skill pool: Gain 1 use of Skill 3, but lose 1 use of Skill 1
- Deal +10% damage for every Ammo the Base Attack Skill spends
- Attack Skills that gain Ammo deal +10% more damage for every Magic Bullet (applies whichever of the two that has the highest damage gain)
- On Kill with a Skill: heal 25 SP for 2 allies(including self) with the least SP; +2 E.G.O resources for the Affinity of the Skill that defeated the target; +1 E.G.O resource for all other Affinities
status, and gain an extra Skill Slot on battle start, heal 15 SP on Turn Start, apply double negative Status Effects, and (Hard difficulty only) generate E.G.O resources On Kill.

Similar to The Dawn of Green, the Executive Manager has a fixed number of Turns to kill as many Doubt as possible, requiring 100% clearance on every wave in order to complete all missions. In the tables below, the Gear Worshippers have been sorted with the assumption that the player kills 100% of the enemies from the previous wave; however, they are in reality deployed in sequence, in Chain Battle-fashion. The maximum number of enemies onfield is tied to the Turn Count; for example, 1 Gear Worshipper will join the battle on Turn 2 in Normal difficulty even if no Gear Worshippers were defeated in Turn 1.


In Normal difficulty, the Deployed Identities' Level are fixed to Lv. 50, while Identities under Uptie Tier 3 will be raised to Uptie Tier 3.

Normal Battle
Wave Enemy Lvl Details
1 Lv. 40
2 Lv. 40
3 Lv. 43
4 Lv. 45
5 Lv. 50


In Hard difficulty, the Deployed Identities' Level and Uptie Tier reflects their actual values.

Hard Battle
Wave Enemy Lvl Details
1 Lv. 40
2 Lv. 40
3 Lv. 40
4 Lv. 41
5 Lv. 42
6 Lv. 43
7 Lv. 44
8 Lv. 47
9 Lv. 48
10 Lv. 49


There are two sets of missions for the Full-Stopped by a Bullet event. One set of missions relate to the Easy difficulty, and the other relate to the Hard difficulty.

Normal Missions

Easy Missions
Mission Amount Required Reward Quantity
Defeat a Gear Worshipper in an Encounter 10 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x2
Defeat a Gear Worshipper in an Encounter 18 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x14
Thread.png Thread x15
Defeat a Gear Worshipper in an Encounter 30 UserInfo Banner 48.png Decorative Banner #48 -
Defeat an Aggressive Gear Fanatic in an Encounter 2 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x14
Thread.png Thread x15
Complete Encounter without any ally deaths 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x14
Thread.png Thread x15
Complete Encounter without any of the allies' SP dropping to -45 SP 1 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x2
Defeat a Gear Worshipper with an ally with the ‘Ready to Fire’ effect in an Encounter 8 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x2
Complete the Encounter with an ally with the ‘Ready to Fire’ effect surviving and taking less than 5 hits from enemy Attack Skills 1 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x6
Thread.png Thread x20
Defeat 4+ Gear Worshippers with a single Attack Skill 1 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x6
Thread.png Thread x20
Defeat an Aggressive Gear Fanatic at 80%+ HP with a single Attack Skill 1 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x6
Thread.png Thread x20

Hard Missions

Hard Missions
Mission Amount Required Reward Quantity
Defeat a Gear Worshipper in an Encounter 30 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x3
Defeat a Gear Worshipper in an Encounter 53 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x35
Defeat a Gear Worshipper in an Encounter 77 Lunacy.png Lunacy x500
Defeat an Aggressive Gear Fanatic in an Encounter 8 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Thread.png Thread x35
Complete Encounter without any ally deaths 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket IV x6
Thread.png Thread x35
Complete Encounter without any of the allies' SP dropping to -45 SP 1 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x3
Complete Encounter without any allies reaching 10 Smoke Potency 1 Identity Training Ticket III.png Identity Training Ticket III x6
Random Egoshard Crate.png Egoshard Crate x5
Defeat a Gear Worshipper with an ally with the ‘Ready to Fire’ effect in an Encounter 15 Extraction Ticket.png Extraction Ticket x4
Defeat a Gear Worshipper with an ally with the ‘Ready to Fire’ effect in an Encounter 30 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x4
Random Egoshard Crate.png Egoshard Crate x5
Complete the Encounter with an ally with the ‘Ready to Fire’ effect surviving and taking less than 3 hits from enemy Attack Skills 1 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x6
Thread.png Thread x35
Defeat 7+ Gear Worshippers with a single Attack Skill 1 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x4
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crate x5
Defeat an Aggressive Gear Fanatic at 80%+ HP with a single Attack Skill 1 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x4
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crate x5
Deal 300+ Crit Damage with a single Attack Skill in an Encounter 1 Identity Training Ticket IV.png Identity Training Ticket IV x4
Nominable Egoshard Crate.png Nominable Egoshard Crate x5
Complete all Missions in both Easy and Hard difficulties 23 Full-Stop Office Business Card Deco.png Full-Stop Office Ticket Deco -

While many of these missions can be completed with most E.G.O and Identities in the game, the "Defeat 7+ Gear Worshippers with a single Attack Skill" missions can only be completed by a skill with a minimum 7 Atk Weight. Below is a list of the only skills capable of hitting 7 Gear Worshippers in a single skill

Weight Up.png 7 Atk Weight
Identities Lobotomy E.G.O Magic Bullet Outis Profile.png 
E.G.O Fell Bullet Yi Sang Icon.png Sunshower Yi Sang Icon.png Yearning-Mircalla Don Quixote Icon.png Contempt, Awe Ryōshū Icon.png Binds Heathcliff Icon.png Blind Obsession Ishmael Icon.png Sanguine Desire Rodion Icon.png Lifetime Stew Sinclair Icon.png Ebony Stem Outis Icon.png Magic Bullet Outis Icon.png Binds Outis Icon.png Garden of Thorns Gregor Icon.png