District 19 (Salpippyeo Agroindustries)

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Salpippyeo Agroindustries (Hangul: 살피뼈 농축산, Korean: lit. Flesh, Blood, Bone Agroindustries), or S Corp., is one of the 26 Wings of the City, and is in control of District 19.


S Corp.'s main form of trade is agriculture, including a prolific rice production, and livestock industry. Citizens of S Corp. appear to have a distinct manner of speaking that sets them apart from people of other Districts, with their syntax and choice of words being quite formal and poetic.

At the head of S Corp. is a Royal Court, led by a King and the retainers in their service, a system of governance that is noted to be unusual within the City. Three State Councilors are known to work within the Court.

In recent years, S Corp. officials have not initiated business arrangements with other Wings, and the District started undergoing a period of economic crisis, worsened by the rampant corruption among the higher-ups of the Corporation, as well as questionable political decisions, such as the Wing's decision to allow the Kurokumo Clan to be active within its territory.[1]

Some years prior to the beginning of the main story, the Second State Councilor, whom the Blade Lineage had been contracted to, was assassinated by the Third State Councilor, to stop the Second Councilor from presenting an appeal that would uproot the corruption of the officials of S Corp. Ever since this event, it appears no one has been able to put a stop to the turmoil within the District, which has led many of its inhabitants to emigrate to other parts of the City.[2]

Known Citizens

League of Nine Littérateurs

Blade Lineage


  • Salpippyeo Agroindustries' name appears to be tied to the Korean myth of the Seocheon Flower Fields. The Fields are located at the border between the world of the living and the afterlife, and within it grow many flowers with magical abilities. Among them are the Salsalikkot (flower that revives the flesh), the Pisalikkot (flower that revives the blood), and the Bbyeosalikkot (flower that revives the bones): these three flowers are references within S Corp's name.
  • S Corp's society appears to be based on that of Joseon, the kingdom which preceded modern-day Korea. The councilors of S Corp. are likely based on the State Council of Joseon.


  1. A Blade Fiend's Fathoms, Red Tassel event
  2. Mirror World Identity Story: Blade Lineage Mentor Meursault


Wings Extant Wings A Corp. - B Corp. - C Corp.
D Corp. - E Corp. - F Corp. - G Corp. - H Corp. - I Corp. Logo.png I Corp. - J Corp - Kcorp.png K Corp. - M Corp. Logo.png M Corp. - Ncorp.png N Corp. - O Corp. -
P Corp. - Q Corp. - Rcorp.png R Corp. - S Corp. Logo.png S Corp. - TCorp.png T Corp. - U corp logo.png U Corp. - V Corp. - Wcorp.png W Corp. - X Corp. - Y Corp. - Z Corp.
Collapsed Wings Old G Corp. - Lcorp.png Lobotomy Corporation
Fixer Organizations Associations HanaLogo.pngHana - ZweiAssociationIcon.pngZwei - Tres - ShiAssociationIcon.pngShi - Cinq Logo.webpCinq - LiuAssociationIcon.png Liu - Seven Logo.webpSeven - Eight - Devyat' Logo.pngDevyat' - Dieci Logo.webpDieci - Oufi Logo.webpÖufi
Fixer Offices Rosespanner Workshop Logo.png Rosespanner Workshop - Molar Office Logo.png Molar Boatworks - MultiCrack Office - Fanghunt Office
Syndicates Five Fingers The Thumb Logo.png The Thumb - The Index Logo.png The Index - TheMiddleLogo.png The Middle - The Ring Icon.webp The Ring - The Pinky
Other Syndicates Yurodiviye - Tingtang Gang - Los Mariachis - Tieqiu Crew - Twinhook Pirates - Blade Lineage Logo.png Blade Lineage - KurokumoClanIcon.png Kurokumo Clan - Dead Rabbits
Other Factions Hooligans - Casino Security(Casino Slaves) - N Corp. Inquisition - Technology Liberation Alliance - Pequod Town -
T Corp. Gangsters - Wuthering Heights Logo.png Wuthering Heights - Edgar Family - The Wild Hunt - La Manchaland Logo.png La Manchaland
Monsters Trash Crabs - Mermaids - Gnomes - Bloodfiends

Story Mirror Dungeon of the Fathoms BG.png